Category: About

A DBA for the NBA

Interview with Winston Bennett, Anaheim University Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Student Winston Bennett is a retired National Basketball Association (NBA) player for the Cleveland Cavaliers and Miami Heat as well as a former men’s basketball coach. Winston has entered the business world and is pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program through the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business. 1. Could you please tell us briefly about your career in NBA?  Winston: I played in the NBA from 1989 to 1992 for the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Miami Heat; I jokingly tell people I helped pave the way for LeBron to do the same. I was the only player I know of to hold Michael Jordan to 4 points during a game… well, during half of a game. The other part to that was he scored 65 points in the second half to end the game with 69 points. So, yes — I am that man who Michael Jordan scored his most ever points on 69 points. What a memory. 2. Why did you choose Anaheim University? Winston: I chose Anaheim at a time when I was trying to decide whether to go to Law School or to pursue a Doctorate. I think it was divine intervention really. Just before I was ready to make my decision I received an email from the NBA saying that Anaheim had a program for retired NBA players who wanted to take the education to the next level. I am always looking for ways to get better, to stretch myself. Once I did some research on Anaheim I was sure this would be a great fit for me. With me putting in countless hours on my job I needed a program that was not only academically strong but a program that was flexible and able to meet my needs as an academic student, father, husband, and insurance professional. 3. What are you studying with Anaheim University and why did you choose the program?  Winston: I am studying to obtain a Doctorate of Business Administration. This fits perfectly with my job where I am interacting with businesses all day long. I chose this program because I felt it would enhance my knowledge both academically and professionally about business, how to be successful, and how to take my business acumen to the next level. 4. How has your experience been so far with Anaheim University? Winston: My experience thus far has been excellent. The staff at Anaheim has been unbelievable; my professors are the best of the best, and very caring. There was a popular phrase that epitomizes the staff at Anaheim. The phrase reads, “People don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.” (Author unknown).  Anaheim makes you feel as though they really care about you achieving your goal of obtaining your degree and moving on to be a success in your field. I love that about the school. 5. What do you do for a living and how is studying at AU helping your career?  Winston: I am an insurance professional that insures businesses on the property and casualty side of insurance. We insure a number of colleges and universities. The program has made me more aware of how business owners think. It also is teaching me how to evaluate a business, what to look for in successful businesses, and what to look for in unsuccessful businesses. The program is also teaching me how to think more critically. I have to say; so far I love the program, the staff and the professors. It has been a Godsend for me.

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Website Accessibility Features Added

In line with Anaheim University’s mission of making higher education accessible to qualified students worldwide through both online and on-campus study, a number of new features have been added to the Anaheim University website. These website accessibility features include a screen reader that allows people to make the letters on the page larger or smaller, change the screen color and contrast, and reads aloud the text on the screen for those who are visually impaired. In addition, we are currently in the process of captioning our videos and updating the coding of our website in an effort to increase accessibility and meet ADA accommodations. To read Anaheim University’s accessibility information, click here.

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Seoul National University Alliance in Review

On Friday, November 16th 2007 Anaheim University’s Graduate School of Education launched a three-year alliance with Seoul National University’s Foreign Language Education Research Institute for the purpose of improving English education in the country of Korea. Anaheim University TESOL professors Dr. David Nunan, Dr. Rod Ellis and Dr. Kathleen Bailey spoke on the campus of Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea. Seminar #1: Dr. David Nunan on “Grammar and Discourse” On November 16th, 2007, distinguished linguist Dr. David Nunan, who at the time of the seminar was President of Anaheim University and Dean of Anaheim University’s Graduate School of Education, commenced this three-year alliance between Anaheim University and Seoul National University by presenting the first of four seminars, entitled “Grammar and Discourse”. Click here to see a Video Webcast of Anaheim University’s President Dr. David Nunan speaking on “Grammar and Discourse” at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea (Above left) AU Chair of the Board of Advisors Dr. Clive Grafton,  FLERI Director Dr. Oryang Kwon, AU President Dr. David Nunan, and SNU Dean of the College of Education Dr. Youngdal Cho meet before Dr. Nunan’s lecture on “Grammar and Discourse” (Above right) Seminar #2: Dr. Rod Ellis on “Written Corrective Feedback” On Tuesday, June 17th, 2008, Dr. Rod Ellis, Chair of the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education spoke on behalf of Anaheim University at Seoul National University. As the second part in the Seminar Series of the TESOL Alliance between the Seoul National University Foreign Language Education Research Institute and the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education, Dr. Rod Ellis gave a lecture entitled “Written Corrective Feedback” on the campus of Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea. In attendance were students, faculty and the general public. Click here to see a Video Webcast of Anaheim University TESOL Professor Dr. Rod Ellis speaking on “Written Corrective Feedback” at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea Seminar #3: Dr. David Nunan on “Culture and Identity in Language Learning and Use” On April 23rd 2009, Dr. David Nunan, who was Anaheim University’s Dean of the Graduate School of Education at the time of the seminar, gave the third joint TESOL Seminar at Seoul National University in Korea, speaking on “Culture and Identity in Language Learning and Use”, reading excerpts from his forthcoming textbook looking at the cultural aspects of language teaching and learning. Click here to see a Video Webcast of Anaheim University TESOL Professor Dr. David Nunan speaking on “Culture and Identity in Language Learning and Use” at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea Seminar #4: Dr. Kathleen Bailey on “English and Plurilingual Skills in the 21st Century Global Knowledge Economy.” On October 13th, 2010, Anaheim University TESOL Professor Dr. Kathleen Bailey, gave the fourth  joint TESOL Seminar at Seoul National University in Korea, speaking on “English and Plurilingual Skills in the 21st Century Global Knowledge Economy.” Anaheim University – Seoul National University TESOL Webast

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Spotlight on MA and Ed.D. in TESOL Grads

Anaheim University recently celebrated the graduation of 10 Doctor of Education and Master of Arts in TESOL students in Fullerton, California on August 1, 2015. The ceremony was held as part of Anaheim University’s 4-day TESOL residential session. At the ceremony, two of our MA in TESOL graduates talked about their experiences at Anaheim University and their post-graduation career plans: Ms. Fabiana Seidel Ms. Fabiana Seidel As an English teacher in Brazil, Ms. Seidel has years of experience in the field. She joined the Anaheim University online MA in TESOL program to deepen her expertise while teaching English locally in Brazil. Upon completion of the MA program, she received the Ambassador Award for her outstanding academic achievements. Q. How was your experience at AU? It was a great experience as I said in my speech. It was one of the best experiences of my life. It really made me a better professional, and it made me a better person. I had tremendous learning opportunities. And I consider myself a much better teacher, professional and person in the world today after completing the program. Q. Are you already teaching? I’ve been teaching in Brazil for many years. I live in Porto Aregre, in the south of Brazil. We teach adult students and business people, mainly in companies. I started my professional career back in 1995. The successful completion of this Master’s program just added up to everything that I had been doing, and I’m sure that the results of everything that will come now will be extremely fruitful. I hope to be much happier as a teacher from now on. Wayne Miller Mr. Wayne Miller Mr. Miller has been teaching English to junior and senior high school students in Japan for 13 years. He talked about his dual experience as a teacher and a student while he was with the Anaheim University online MA in TESOL program. Q. Please tell me what you are doing now. I’m teaching at a junior and senior high school in Japan. I’ve been teaching there for 13 years. I love it. Q. How was your experience at Anaheim University? It was absolutely fantastic. The time management was difficult, but the Anaheim teachers and the other students in the classes were extremely supportive, which was the only way that I could’ve made it through. Q. Are you enjoying the residential session? Yes, it has been so wonderful to have the opportunity to meet my classmates and professors. It has been a truly incredible experience. Q. Do you think your experience at AU is going to be useful for your career in the future? I think that it already has been useful. I have made some positive changes to my teaching practices and look at teaching through a new lens. Q. What was it like being a teacher and a student at the same time? It was very interesting because it made me look at a lot of things that I was doing in the classroom. It made me look from a different perspective because I was a student at the same time that I was teaching. Q. Do you think the AU TESOL program would be good for Japanese English teachers who are teaching in Japan? Absolutely. I highly recommend it. They should feel privileged to have the opportunity to do.

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Akira Kurosawa School of Film Online Digital Filmmaking MFA

Dr.DavidNunan Akira Kurosawa, one of the most influential directors in the history of film, will again shape a generation of filmmakers through a medium that Kurosawa himself might only have imagined: an online MFA program in Digital Filmmaking. Aspiring filmmakers will learn their craft by studying with experts in the field, including hours of never-seen-before footage of Kurosawa on the set, allowing students to go behind the scenes and learn visual articulation directly from the master. Modern directorial giants such as George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese, and Steven Spielberg have all professed to be deeply influenced by the great Kurosawa. Lucas who, along with Francis Ford Coppola, co-produced Kurosawa’s Kagemusha, states, “It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Kurosawa’s work and that his films were a source of inspiration for my own Star Wars saga…. He had a tremendous influence on my life, on my work, and on my sensitivity to visual story telling.” Coppola agrees, stating that “certain great masters have made a few masterpieces, and in Kurosawa’s case, he made about ten. So, he is almost without comparison.” Oliver Stone likens Kurosawa’s presence on a film set to that of “…an emperor. He walked into a room and people… stopped and they looked.” Martin Scorsese, who acted in Kurosawa’s Dreams, said, “Kurosawa was my master and the master of so many filmmakers over the years. I congratulate the Anaheim University Akira Kurosawa School of Film [and] I thank them for paying tribute to a man who was our master, our sensei.” Steven Spielberg, who produced Kurosawa’s Dreams, adds that “Akira Kurosawa has been a maestro to my entire generation and to every generation of filmmakers who watches movies, are inspired by movies, and learn from movies. I have learned more from him than almost any filmmaker on the face of the Earth.” The Kurosawa legacy continues through the Anaheim University Akira Kurosawa School of Film. With the support of Akira Kurosawa’s family and Kurosawa Production, Anaheim University has been digitizing archives and conducting video interviews with those who knew and worked with Akira Kurosawa for some two decades in preparation for the school’s launch. The school was developed in the spirit of Akira Kurosawa, to teach the craft of filmmaking while incorporating the latest advances in the industry. As pioneers in the field of online education, Anaheim University was equipped for such an endeavor, as the University has taught graduate degree programs online in real time since the 1990s, and Anaheim University’s mastery of online curriculum development has made it possible to develop what is perhaps the most advanced film school of its time. Throughout the program, students meet weekly with their professors and classmates in live online high definition webcam classes, where they discuss the work they uploaded and the video lecture they watched prior to the interactive class with their professor. Students also interact in daily discussion forums and complete filmmaking assignments that could range from shooting scenes to editing sound files (most courses in the MFA program have a hands-on component). In addition, they attend a one-week, on-site residential session in Los Angeles or Tokyo, where they will have access to equipment and a moviemaking experience carried out in a professional environment. Students enrolled in the online MFA degree program are required to have access to camera, lighting, software and other audio/visual equipment that meet the school’s minimum standards. For students who do not have all of the required equipment, it can be purchased at an academic discount for approximately $2,000. Because Anaheim students own their own film equipment, they spend more time behind the lens and directing shots than one would expect in a traditional school of film, where there are often waiting lists for accessing film equipment. The Dean of the Anaheim University Akira Kurosawa School of Film, Dr. David Desser, is a distinguished film professor and author holding a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (USC)’s Cinema program. According to Dr. Desser, who has taught in film programs at USC, UCLA, University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois, “Anaheim University is poised to play an important role in 21st century filmmaking education. With our unique and exclusive video content, combined with our proximity to Hollywood that provides unique access to major filmmakers, craftspeople, studio personnel and others in the media production and distribution industry, our program offers students an unparalleled opportunity to experience and learn the varieties of film, video, animation, and game production.”

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AU Professor Inducted as New TESOL International President

Dr. Andy Curtis In March 2015, Anaheim University professor Andy Curtis was inducted as President of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) International at the TESOL 2015 International Convention and English Language Expo in Toronto, Canada. He joins Dr. David Nunan, Dr. Kathleen Bailey, Dr. MaryAnn Christison, and Dr. Denise Murray as the fifth TESOL President currently teaching at Anaheim University’s Graduate School of Education. TESOL International is the largest organization dedicated to English language teaching for speakers of other languages, bringing together more than 12,000 educators, researchers, administrators, and students representing 156 countries. As President-Elect, Andy Curtis will preside over the Board of Directors for three years (the second year as President), serving as the public face of TESOL and its representative to the membership and the profession worldwide. Andy Curtis was joined at the 2015 TESOL Convention by Anaheim University colleagues Dr. Kathleen Bailey, Dr. Mary Ann Christisen, and Dr. David Nunan. All four professors were key presenters on issues related to second language acquisition. Anaheim University has provided headline speakers and panelists to the TESOL International Convention since its inception in 1996.

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David Nunan receives James E. Alatis Award for service to TESOL

Dr.DavidNunan Dr. David Nunan received the James E. Alatis Award for Service to the field of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at the 2015 TESOL International Convention in Toronto, Canada. The award was named for Dr. James E. Alatis, a charter member of TESOL International and a champion of TESOL teachers and their professional needs. Dr. Alatis, who passed away on Feb. 28, 2015, served as TESOL’s first executive director from 1966 to 1987, when TESOL first established this service award. The James E. Alatis Award honors one association member each year who has demonstrated “a genuine and long-lasting vision of what TESOL is and can be; the ability to combine professional and administrative roles in TESOL organizations; the ability and desire to represent and promote TESOL; and efficiency, personal dynamism, and good cheer.” This honor is given annually to one of 12,000 educators, researchers, administrators, and students representing 156 countries who comprise TESOL International, the world’s largest language teaching organization. Of the award recipients over the past 10 years, four are professors at Anaheim University: Dr. Denise Murray (2006), Dr. Kathleen Bailey (2007), Dr. MaryAnn Christison (2012), and now Dr. David Nunan (2015). David Nunan is a distinguished applied linguist and author of numerous groundbreaking textbooks such as Syllabus Design published by Oxford University Press and The Learner-Centred Curriculum published by Cambridge University Press. In 1996, he broke new ground for the TESOL community when he developed the first Master of Arts in TESOL degree program to be offered online and in real time. Dr. Nunan constantly challenges himself and his TESOL colleagues to use their online classroom time for discussion and interaction between the students and professor. His belief that teachers cannot do the learning for their students has turned him into a staunch advocate for the learner-centered online classroom. He puts the power in the hands of the learners. Dr. Nunan continues to play an instrumental role in what has become one of the most successful TESOL programs in the United States and beyond, and he is now supported by 15 distinguished linguists who make up the faculty at Anaheim University’s Graduate School of Education. In addition to receiving his award, Dr. Nunan presented at the 2015 TESOL Convention. He headlined a colloquium on “Exploring Professional Confidence in ELT Teacher Education Content Area,” gave a symposium on “Language Learning Beyond the Classroom,” and offered ideas for developing vocabulary and language structures in “Childhood is an Adventure – and Learning Can Be, Too.”

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Anaheim University’s Next MBA Virtual Roundtable

Anaheim University is excited to announce the next “MBA Virtual Roundtable” will be held on Friday, Sept. 12 at 5:00 pm (California Pacific Daylight Savings Time) / Sat., Sept. 13 at 9:00 am (Tokyo time). The VirtualRoundtable is an hour-long live webcam gathering open to all graduates and current students of AU’s MBA and Green MBA programs; participants will have the opportunity to network and share about the latest developments in the fields of business and/or sustainability. At the MBA Virtual Roundtable, graduates will be able to meet current students and “catch up” with old classmates, and current students will be able to ask questions and gain insight from AU graduates who have advanced their careers after their degrees. Attendees should come to the meeting with one topic they would like to throw out on the table for discussion, but also be ready for anything that may come up organically. There will be a current student and an alumnus who will be facilitating the session to manage the flow of conversation, but all participants will have an active part in shaping the focus of the meeting. The videoconferencing platform to be used for the session will be GoToMeeting, which will automatically download when users click the provided link to join the meeting. More information on the use of GoToMeeting can be found at There is no cost involved in the downloading of the software or participation in the meeting. For the specific access information, please contact Leona Owens at

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Showa Women’s University & Anaheim University Open TESOL Seminar

Anaheim University Ed.D. Director Dr. Hayo Reinders On Aug. 2, 2014, Anaheim University and Showa Women’s University co-hosted an open Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) seminar at Showa Women’s University in Tokyo with three leaders in the field of TESOL. The panel discussed the common theme “Learners are Different: Catering to Differences,” with opportunities for audience members to participate, ask questions, and meet the scholars after the event. Most attendees were TESOL students or English teachers. Anaheim University Grad. School of Education Dean Dr. Rod Ellis The panelists for the open seminar included three esteemed professionals in the field of TESOL: Dr. Tomoko Kaneko, Vice President and Professor of English and Second Language Acquisition at Showa Women’s University; Dr. Rod Ellis, Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Anaheim University; and Dr. Hayo Reinders, Director of the Anaheim University Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in TESOL Program. Over the course of the three-hour seminar, each panelist gave a particular lecture around the larger “Learners are Different” theme. Dr. Tomoko Kaneko spoke about “Japanese University Students and Globalization: A Challenge for Showa Women’s University,” Dr. Hayo Reinders discussed “Learning Beyond the Classroom: A Research Agenda,” and Dr. Rod Ellis offered a lecture on “Catering to Individual Differences: What Do the Teacher Guides Advise?” Dr. Tomoko Kaneko, the Vice President of Showa Women’s University commented on the entire open seminar experience, saying: Showa Women’s University VP Dr. Tomoko Kaneko “Dr. Reinders clearly explained how important it is to learn outside of classroom, while Dr. Ellis stressed the importance of treating learners as ‘complex human beings’ by catering to the differences of each learner, as well as carefully choosing course materials and providing guidance through learning strategy. It was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to listen to the lectures of world-renowned professors in the field of second language acquisition. The time flew fast and we wished we could have had more time. It was a great seminar supported by the audience’s high interest in the topics. Many participants remained after the seminar ended and continued their discussion or came up to the professors to ask questions. As one of the two host schools, we are very pleased that this open seminar concluded with great success.” This seminar was the first collaboration between Anaheim University and Showa Women’s University, and the response and support were positive from everyone involved.

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Dr. Ken Beatty presents via webcam at KOTESOL

Dr.Ken Beatty Dr. Ken Beatty presented at Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (KOTESOL) via webcam on May 31 at 11:20 am Korea time. His presentation title was “Running with Scissors: Authenticity in the Classroom.” He discussed the importance of creating classroom context and explained the challenges of working with authenticity. Participants also discussed practical applications to English for Academic Purposes (EAP), curriculum development, and methodology. Dr. Ken Beatty is a TESOL Professor at Anaheim University and is author/co-author of more than 130 English as a Second Language textbooks used worldwide from the primary to tertiary levels, as well as books on Computer Assisted Language Learning. He has worked at universities in Canada, China, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, and the USA, and given more than 200 teacher-training presentations and 92 conference presentations throughout Asia, the Middle East, and North and South America. Dr. Ken Beatty – Webcast Feature Dr. Ken Beatty

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Anaheim Prof. Dr. Andy Curtis is TESOL International Association President-Elect

On December 5, 2013 the TESOL International Association announced the appointment of Anaheim University Graduate School of Education TESOL Professor Dr. Andy Curtis as President-Elect for the 2014-2015 year. Dr. Curtis’s term as President will begin at the conclusion of the TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo in March 2014. To date, four other professors amongst Anaheim University’s esteemed TESOL faculty have served as President of the TESOL International Association, which is the world’s largest language teaching association: Dr. David Nunan, Dr. Kathleen Bailey, Dr. Denise Murray, & Dr. MaryAnn Christison. An expert in the field of Intercultural Communications, Dr. Andy Curtis has worked with teachers and learners in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, North, South and Central America, and he has published articles in journals such as TESOL Quarterly, TESL-EJ and System, as well as several books and books chapters. Anaheim University TESOL Professor Andy Curtis began his professional life as a Medical Science Officer in Clinical Biochemistry, working at hospitals in England, but after gaining his first qualification in TESOL, in 1989, he decided to leave medical science and pursue his real passions – languages, teaching and learning. After some initial teacher training, he went on to complete a teaching degree (BEd.) at Sunderland University in England, then a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics with English Language Teaching, and a PhD in International Education at the University of York in England. From 2007 to 2011, Andy Curtis was the Director of the English Language Teaching Unit at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at CUHK. Prior to these appointments, from 2002 to 2006, he was first the Director and then the Executive Director of the School of English at Queen’s University in Canada, and from 2001 to 2002, he was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Language Teacher Education at the School for International Training, Vermont, USA.

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Anaheim University Professors Featured at TESOL Conferences

AU TESOL professors MaryAnn Christison, Denise Murray, David Nunan, Kathleen Bailey and Andy Curtis at California TESOL Conference In October 2013, Anaheim University’s distinguished TESOL Professors served as plenary and featured speakers at conferences around the world. On October 13th, Anaheim University delivered the featured Colloquium at Korea TESOL (KOTESOL)’s 2013 annual conference.  Anaheim University TESOL Professor Dr. Jun Liu, who presented in person in Seoul was joined through live HD webcam by fellow Anaheim professors Dr. Denise Murray and Dr. Andy Curtis. Anaheim University Dean of the Graduate School of Education Dr. Rod Ellis also introduced the presentation by webcam. On October 18th, Anaheim University Doctor of Education in TESOL Director Dr. Hayo Reinders made a live presentation by HD webcam on the use of technology in English language teaching to heads of schools attending the Congreso Nacional de la Ensenanza del Idoma Ingles a Ninos  in Argentina. Anaheim University’s TESOL faculty also gave the Plenary Sessions at both Georgia TESOL (GATESOL) and California TESOL (CATESOL) on October 26. GATESOL featured an in-person presentation by Dr. Jun Liu who was joined by Dr. Andy Curtis who spoke by live HD webcam. At CATESOL, AU TESOL professors Dr. David Nunan, Dr. Denise Murray and Dr. MaryAnn Christison spoke on “Riding the Waves of Online Teaching and Learning“

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