June 3, 2023 2025-01-06 9:50Overview
The Online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) through Anaheim University’s Akio Morita School of Business allows working professionals to obtain a DBA degree while working full time no matter where they reside. Experience the following AU advantages:
- Enjoy a highly interactive online program as you connect with your professor and classmates in two 90-minute live online webcam seminars per course and daily discussion forum
- Learn from expert guest speakers and highly-qualified professors, who hold doctoral degrees and have extensive experience in various fields of business
- Receive the Doctor of Business Administration degree through the flexibility of online learning
- Network with individuals from around the world, providing a rich and culturally diverse environment in which to study.
- Earn your Doctoral degree in approximately 3 years while working full-time
- 9 foundation courses + 4 courses in chosen area of concentration + 2 elective courses + Dissertation
- Accelerated learning – courses are six weeks long
- Live online webcam seminars twice during each course
- New terms begin every 6 weeks
- Complete a dissertation that explores an existing issue and provides the opportunity to display mastery of the theory and concepts covered in your course of study
- Total duration = Approximately 3 years
Students must complete 9 foundation courses in business administration and research; 4 courses in their chosen area of concentration (Management, International Business, Global Sustainable Management, or Entrepreneurship); 2 elective courses; a qualifying exam and a comprehensive exam in order to advance to the dissertation phase of the program; and a dissertation, which consists of a dissertation proposal writing course and 4 dissertation terms
Foundation Courses (3 credits each)
- Intellectual Property
- International and Multinational Marketing
- Leadership & Communication in Multinational Corporations
- Supply Chain Management
- Applied Research Methods
- Business Analytics
- Global Strategy & Innovation Management
- Transforming Systems through Adaptive Leadership
- Academic Research and Writing
Choose one of four areas of concentration
Specialized Courses (3 credits each)
Organizational Development and Change Management
Human Resource Management Science
Ethics in Business and Management
International Business Law and Practice
Specialized Courses (3 credits each)
International Financial Management
Ethics in Business and Management
International Business Law and Practice
Seminar in International Business
Specialized Courses (3 credits each)
- Sustainable Lifecycle Management
- Sustainable Project Management
- Sustainable Accounting Management
- Seminar in Global Business Sustainability
Specialized Courses (3 credits each)
- Creative Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Funding
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Organizational Development and Change Management
- Choose 2 elective courses (1 in each of 2 of the other 3 concentrations)
- Writing the Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (3 Credits)
- Doctoral Dissertation Writing (12 Credits)
How the Program Works:
Course Schedule & Evaluation Structure
Online Discussion Forum
Team Project
Week 1
Week 2
Live Webinar
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Live Webinar
Week 6
Final Project
Program Study Suggestions (22.5 hours per week for each six week course)
Each week the student will:
- Look briefly through the week’s reading assignment; the weekly written questions to be answered and submitted the online discussion forum question for the week; the topic for the real time online seminar (weeks two and five); and any other assignments for the week. (.25 hours)
- Complete weekly reading assignments, making notes on material to be used in the written discussion questions or to answer topics posed in the online discussion forum. (3 hours)
- Complete individual weekly written assignments. (2 hours)
- Review weekly Online Discussion Forum questions and search for other material to be used for potential answers. (1 hour)
- Discuss the Online Discussion Forum topic with other students and the professor via the Online Discussion Forum site using material from the assigned course material and additional material relevant to the topic. (4 hours)
- Review video presentations which may be 20 to 30 minutes in length and respond to the video questions which are posed at the end of the video. Otherwise, students will complete the internet assignment which is due the end of the 3rd week of the course. The length of the internet assignment will depend on whether video presentations are used in the course. (4 hours)
- Preparation for and participation in real-time online class, review transcripts and make notes (2.5 hours)*
- Prepare for and participate in the Team Project by doing appropriate research and providing the written material for one’s area of responsibility in the project. (2 hours)*
- Conduct library/internet research, further reading and note taking to complete the final research project due at the end of week six. (3.75 hours).”