Undergraduate Diploma in TESOL

Undergraduate Diploma in TESOL

David Nunan

David Nunan, Ph.D

Master of Arts in TESOL Designer & David Nunan TESOL Institute Director
Senior Professor: TESOL

Dr. David Nunan is the Director of the Anaheim University David Nunan TESOL Institute and Senior Professor of TESOL for the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education. He was the founding Dean of the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education and previously served as

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Anaheim University TESOL Certificate Program Coordinator Jimalee Sowell

Jimalee Sowell, M.A.

Certificate Program Coordinator, David Nunan TESOL Institute

Instructor: TESOL

Jimalee Sowell is a Ph.D. candidate in Composition and Applied Linguistics at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and holds an MATESOL degree from SIT Graduate Institute. Ms. Sowell has worked as an English language teacher and teacher trainer since 2000. Ms. Sowell has worked in a

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The AU Diploma in TESOL degree program allows you to study online while working full time and fulfilling your personal responsibilities. All four courses in the program are taught 100% online.
Each course is 15 weeks long. New courses begin on the first Monday of each month. The Undergraduate Diploma in TESOL program will take about 60 weeks to complete. Below is a suggested guideline for weekly study:

Weekly Study Format

150 minutes

video lecture & Powerpoint presentation (view video, review Powerpoint, take notes)

150 minutes

background reading

120 minutes

preparation of responses to discussion questions and tasks

90 minutes

discussion forum

30 minutes

online quiz

9 hours

per week total

Duration: 15 weeks x 9 hours per week = 135-hour course

Introduction to TESOL

This program is designed for language teachers, teachers in preparation or intending teachers. It offers a practical introduction to language teaching and links practice to theory and research. The program offers students the opportunity of developing a solid pedagogical foundation through instruction in the following areas: language teaching methodology, listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, discourse, content-based instruction, using coursebooks, computer assisted language learning, learning styles and strategies, learner autonomy in the classroom, classroom-based assessment, and cross-cultural communication.

English Language Teaching Methodology

When someone teaches, they usually employ a range of activities in certain conditions that form an approach. When an approach has a theoretical background to it, it is a methodology. In this course, we look at different methodologies for TESOL, with an emphasis on the theory, principles, and procedures of the Communicative Method. However, in practice, most teachers employ a range of methodologies.

English Language Teaching Assessment

Assessment is an essential part of the teaching and learning process. Assessment not only identifies learners’ strengths and weaknesses, it also identifies strengths and weaknesses in teaching and learning materials. In this course, we explore how assessment can be used in a formative sense, to help evaluate learners’ performance, as well as in the summative sense, where assessments are used to determine the effectiveness of teaching and learning. In this course, we review the role of assessment and examine ways to ensure that assessment is fair and effectively and efficiently reflects both teaching and learning.

Material Development in English Language Teaching

Materials development is concerned with all the resources available for helping the teaching and learning process. These resources include professionally printed products such as textbooks, activity books & teacher guides as well as CD-ROM, DVD, and online computer resources. Resources also include those materials created by teachers & students. In this course, we review various re- source options, discuss their advantages & disadvantages, and outline ways in which teachers can both use and create effective and efficient materials to help in the teaching and learning process.


Undergraduate Diploma in TESOL Program Fees

Affordable Pay-As-You-Learn System: Pay for only one course at a time.

Application Fee


Registration Fee


STRF Fee* (non-refundable, CA residents only)


Per Course Fees

Tuition Fee

$1,050/course taken

Records Fee


Digital Textbook


Per Course Fee Total:



No cost

Replacement Diploma

$100 (optional)

Replacement Cover

$100 (optional)

Course Completion Letter

$35 (optional)

Program Total


**Assumes completion in 4 terms.

*Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF): The Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) is administered by the California BPPE and applies only to California residents. The STRF fee is currently zero ($0) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of institutional charges The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident while enrolled or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition. You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.

Tuition may be paid on a course-by-course basis.

Students interested in inquiring about non-interest-bearing monthly payment plan options should e-mail registrar @ anaheim.edu

Students may make payment by check, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover), money order, or bank transfer (the student is responsible for any transaction fees imposed by the institution). 

Please e-mail registrar @ anaheim.edu for information on how to make payments.

* An extension may be granted by the Dean to students requiring more time to complete the program. Students requiring a 15-week extension will be charged an additional $200 extension fee per course.

An application for a TESOL Undergraduate Diploma must include the following:

  1. Application form
  2. Application fee ($50)
  3. One recent color photograph (digital is okay)
  4. A scan of a current, government-issued photo ID

Official high school transcripts or equivalent (GED, certificate of high school equivalency, documentation of completion of state-approved home school program, DD214 military form indicating high school completion) from an accredited institution in a sealed envelope from the awarding institution.

Note: If the school does not routinely issue transcripts in English, original language records must be submitted with official English translations. We will accept translations issued by the university or by the following professional translation services: Accredited Language Services; Berlitz; Liaison Linguistics; Josef Silny & Associates; American Evaluation & Translation Services (AETS); and Education Evaluators International. Translations must be exact and complete versions of the original records.

Non-native English speakers must demonstrate college-level proficiency by providing original documentation in one of the following ways:

  • Degree from an accredited institution where English is the primary language of instruction.
  • Transcript from an accredited institution indicating completion of at least 30 semester hours of credit where the language of instruction was English (“C” average)
  • Transcript from an accredited institution indicating a “C” or higher in an English composition class.
  • A minimum TOEFL score of 500 PBT / 173 CBT/ 61 iBT.
  • A minimum TOEIC score of 625.
  • A minimum IELTS score of 6.0.
  • A minimum PTE (Pearson Test of English Academic Score Report) of 44.
  • A minimum BULATS Level 3 (60), accepted only for Cultura Inglesa in Brazil.
  • A minimum grade of Level 3 on the ACT COMPASS’s English as a Second Language Placement Test.
  • A minimum grade of Pre-1 on the Eiken English Proficiency Exam.
  • A minimum B2 English proficiency level identified within the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Standards and assessed through various ESOL examinations, including the University of Cambridge.

Once your application materials have been approved, you will need to submit an Enrollment Agreement and tuition payment to complete the enrollment process.

Internet Access: All students are required to have access to a computer equipped with Internet access capabilities.

Entrance Examination: There is no entrance examination required for admission to Anaheim University.

We currently do not accept students who reside in Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, American Samoa, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Guam, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, N. Mariana Islands, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, and Wyoming due to regulatory matters. For more information, please call our Vice President of Administrative Affairs at 714-772-3330

Online Undergraduate Diploma in TESOL Course Schedule 2025

New courses begin on the first Monday of the month.

January 6, 2025

July 7, 2025

February 3, 2025

August 4, 2025

March 6, 2025

September 1, 2025

April 7, 2025

October 6, 2025

May 5, 2025

November 3, 2025

June 2, 2025

December 1, 2025

The steps below are general guidelines for joining a program at Anaheim University. Just complete the following steps and, if approved, become part of Anaheim University’s global community within 2 weeks.

Step 1:

Read thoroughly through the pages of our website and catalog

Step 2:

  • Click here to submit your application online
  • Click here to fill out a pdf version of the application and submit via email.

Step 3:

The following documents are required for admission:

  • Application form
  • One recent passport-size color photograph
  • Official English language proficiency test score report if you are a non-native English speaker (mail original*)
  • Official transcripts.† (mail original*)
  • Official transcripts documenting at least one course in each of the following: accounting, finance and economics.†††† (mail original*)
    documenting a minimum of 5 years of work or teaching experience in a relevant area of business††††
  • Resume ††
  • Brief Statement.††
  • Resume documenting a minimum of 4 years experience in some aspect of TESOL (teaching, teacher education or publishing).+++
  • An outline (1,000 words) of the possible research that the applicant envisions undertaking for the dissertation that demonstrates his/her research experience and abilities. +++
  • Three reference letters (on letterhead with contact information) attesting to personal and professional qualifications. One reference must be from each of the following:+++
    – A recent employer.
    – A TESOL professional who can attest to the applicant’s potential as a doctoral student.
    – A member of the academic faculty where the applicant completed his/her MA.
    †††† DBA Only
    ††† Ed.D TESOL Only
    †† MA TESOL or MFA Only
    † Not applicable to TESOL/TEYL Certificate Programs

*scanned copies are accepted to expedite application process while waiting for originals to arrive in the mail

Documents can be uploaded as part of the online application form, emailed to support@anaheim.edu or posted in the mail to the address in Step 5.

Step 4:

This fee may be paid by emailing the Credit Card Form to registrar@anaheim.edu
posting a check or money order in the mail to the address in Step 5
contacting registrar@anaheim.edu for information on how to send a bank wire transfer

Step 5:

Send all required application documents you do not submit online by registered mail to the Office of Admissions at:
Anaheim University
Office of Admissions Room 110
1240 S. State College Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92806-5150

Step 6:

Upon receipt of application materials, a receipt for the application fee will be sent to you. In case your application materials are incomplete, please follow the directions issued by AU. When the Dean has approved acceptance of a student, an acceptance message and enrollment agreement form will be sent to the student.

Important Notes:

Official TOEFL or TOEIC score document-Non-native English speakers must demonstrate college-level proficiency in one of the following ways:

  • Degree from an accredited institution where English is the primary language of instruction.
  • Degree from an accredited institution where English is the primary language of instruction.
  • Transcript from an accredited institution indicating completion of at least 30 semester hours of credit where the language of instruction was English (“B” average for graduate level programs, “C” average for undergraduate/non-credit programs).
  • Transcript from an accredited institution indicating a “B” or higher in an English composition class (Ed.D, Masters, Graduate Programs & Graduate Certificates); “C” or higher for TESOL Certificate, Teaching English to Young Learners Program or TESOL Undergraduate Diploma
  • A minimum TOEFL score of 500 PBT / 173 CBT/ 61 iBT (undergraduate/non-credit programs) or a minimum TOEFL score of 530 PBT / 197 CBT/ 71 iBT (graduate-level programs) or a minimum TOEFL score of 550 PBT/ 213 CBT/ 80 iBT (doctoral-level program).
  • A minimum TOEIC score of 625 (undergraduate/non-credit programs) or a minimum TOEIC score of 800 (graduate-level and doctoral level programs).
  • A minimum IELTS score of 6.0 (undergraduate/non-credit programs) or a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 (graduate-level programs).
  • A minimum PTE (Pearson Test of English Academic Score Report) of 44 (undergraduate/non-credit programs) or a minimum PTE of 50 (master’s-level programs) or a minimum PTE of 58 (doctoral-level program).
  • A minimum BULATS Level 3 (60), accepted only for Cultura Inglesa in Brazil.
  • A minimum grade of Level 3 on the ACT COMPASS’s English as a Second Language Placement Test.
  • A minimum grade of Pre-1 on the Eiken English Proficiency Exam.
  • A minimum B1 English proficiency level identified within the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Standards and assessed through various ESOL examinations, including the University of Cambridge.
  • A minimum Duolingo English Test score of 95 (undergraduate/non-credit programs) or a minimum of 100 (master’s level programs), or a minimum of 105 (doctoral level programs).
  • A minimum 4-skill Michigan English Test (MET) score of 53 (undergraduate/non-credit programs) or a minimum of 55 (graduate level programs).
  • A minimum Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE) score of 650/LP (all programs).
  • A minimum Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) score of 650/LP (all programs).
  • A minimum score on the College Board Accuplacer ESL Exam Series as follows: ESL Language Use (85); ESL Listening (80); ESL Reading (85); ESL Sentence Meaning (90); ESL Writeplacer (4); or a Comprehensive Score for All Exams (350).

Official Transcripts

Request that each college or university which you have attended send a transcript of your record in a sealed envelope. The courses you have taken, grades received, and, if applicable, the date and title of the degree conferred must be listed on each transcript. Each transcript must have the official seal or imprint of the institution as well. (Note: If the university does not routinely issue transcripts in English, original language records must be submitted with official English translations. We will accept translations issued by the university or by the following professional translation services: Accredited Language Services; Berlitz; Liaison Linguistics; Josef Silny & Associates; American Evaluation & Translation Services (AETS); and Education Evaluators International. Translations must be exact and complete versions of the original records.)

Ed.D in TESOL Program applicants must have official MA transcripts, in a sealed envelope from the awarding institution. Applicants to the Ed.D program must hold an earned MA degree from an accredited institution in TESOL, Applied Linguistics, or a relevant area of education, with an overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent from non-USA institutions).

The DBA program requires a Masters degree in business administration, in a functional area of business, non-profit management, public administration, a JD degree, or other degree relating to managerial functions from an accredited institution recognized by the US Department of Education and/or CHEA, or by the government of the country in which the degree was awarded, and with an overall GPA of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent from non-USA Institutions.

Licenses or Certificates

Please include photocopies of any licenses or certificates you hold which relate to the degree program to which you are applying. Do not submit originals as these materials will not be returned.


Please submit an up-to-date summary of your academic and professional accomplishments. An Ed.D. applicant must present a resume documenting a minimum of 4 years experience in some aspect of TESOL (teaching, teacher education or publishing.) A DBA applicant must present a resume documenting a minimum of 5 years of work or teaching experience in a relevant area of business

Brief Statement

For MA in TESOL and MFA program applicants, please write a brief (300 – 400 word) statement setting out why you have selected the Anaheim University program, what you hope to get out of it, and how it will help you in your present and future career.

Upon receipt of application materials, a receipt for your application fee payment will be sent to you. In the case that your application materials are incomplete, please follow the directions issued by AU. When the Dean has approved acceptance of a student, an acceptance message and enrollment agreement form will be sent to the student.