Category: About

Congratulations to Linh Phung! Anaheim University’s First Graduate of the Ed.D. in TESOL

On March 5, 2017, AU doctoral student Linh Phung successfully defended her Dissertation on Learners’ Engagement in Task Performance.  Two weeks later, she became Dr. Linh Phung, the first graduate of Anaheim University’s Ed.D. in TESOL program.  After her Defense, we interviewed Dr. Phung about her experience with Anaheim University. – Why did you choose Anaheim University’s Ed.D. in TESOL program? Completing a doctorate has been my goal since I finished my Master’s degree. I first learned about Anaheim University’s Ed.D. in TESOL when I saw an advertisement on the TESOL International’s website. Since I work full-time, studying online fit my schedule perfectly. I was also impressed by who was on the faculty and wished to learn from them, so I applied, got accepted, and started the program. – Can you tell us about your career to date? I’ve been teaching EFL and ESL for almost 15 years. I’ve taught in various universities in Vietnam and the U.S. I’m currently the director of the English Language Program at Chatham University. I oversee different aspects of the program, including curriculum, assessment and placement of new students, student advisement, student progress and achievement, ELP admission, and program evaluation. It’s a challenging job, but I expand my experiences by handling different challenges every day. – How do you expect your Ed.D. to further your career? I knew that I wanted to go all the way in the education journey to attain the highest degree. I pursued an Ed.D. mostly because I always enjoy learning. The Ed.D. will, hopefully, provide me with opportunities to teach graduate courses, conduct research, and publish in the future. – Can you share a favorite memory from Anaheim University? I enjoyed talking with classmates after each lesson. We talked about so many things, and I felt I had a voice. It gave me confidence. – Did you have a favorite class at Anaheim University? I enjoyed so many classes that it is difficult to say what my favorite class was. I enjoyed Dr. Ellis’ courses because of the clarity of his instruction. His Instructed SLA course provided me with a clear taxonomy of different options in teaching grammar and promoting learners’ linguistic development. I also liked his Individual Differences (ID) course because I was fascinated with the dynamic concept of motivation although sometimes I felt I was being in a maze of hazy ID concepts. Dr. Tomlinson’s Materials Development course has been highly influential since I have been applying his principles of materials development in many of the courses that I teach. It was the first time that I thought about “cognitively and affectively” engaging materials. In addition, it motivated my dissertation research into learners’ engagement in task performance. Dr. Lambert’s Researching Tasks course introduced me to task-based language teaching (TBLT). No matter how influential the approach has been, I did not think much of TBLT before this course, probably because it was not discussed as frequently in the U.S. as in other contexts. The case study I completed in his course was expanded into my dissertation research. I loved Dr. Bailey’s Language Teacher Education and Qualitative Research courses because she was simply amazing instructor, who held high expectations of the students while being motivating at the same time. Dr. Murray and Christenson’s ELT Management course equipped me with frameworks and tools to be a better leader. Dr. Reinders’ lessons were always so thoroughly prepared and fun! Other courses were also interesting and informative to my work and research, and I truly enjoyed them all. – How did you enjoy the online experience? I enjoyed the online experience at Anaheim University because it allowed students to work independently as well as collaboratively. It also incorporated weekly live lectures, which were important in pushing us to complete all the necessary work before the lecture. The fact that the students and professor were on camera together once a week created a better sense of community. – Who would you recommend to the Anaheim University Ed.D. program? I would recommend the program to anyone who is currently working as a language teacher and wants to expand their knowledge and have access to leadership, research, and publication opportunities. – What were the challenges in your program? The challenges have somewhat faded from my memory probably because I greatly enjoyed the program. I think taking course work non-stop for three years was difficult as I was always busy with reading, completing tasks, and doing assignments. The weekend when the major papers were due was when I had to work dozens of hours straight. I know I’m a procrastinator. – Please tell us about your experience the Oral Defense.  Were you nervous beforehand? I submitted my dissertation in December, but because I and my Defense Committee members are located in several different continents, the defense could only be scheduled in March. I took a break from my dissertation for several months before starting to prepare for the defense. I read my dissertation again several times, reread some of the major articles I cited, and took notes of what I took away from the research. I was anxious the day before the defense, a few hours before the defense, and also during the defense. I was also excited, so I just said whatever came to my mind in response to the examiner’s questions. I might have talked too much, but with passion, so it might have been a good thing. The bottom line was that I passed, so I was exhilarated. – What was your dissertation topic and why did you select it? My topic was learners’ engagement in task performance. I selected it because I’m interested in developing tasks and materials that are cognitively and affectively engaging to learners. When learners are highly engaged, perhaps, they will learn more from their lessons. – Which residential sessions did you attend and what did you like best about them? I attended two residential sessions in California. It was great to see the professors, classmates, and Anaheim’s

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Interview with MBA Alumni Haoyang (Don) Wang

In 2007, Haoyang (Don) Wang completed his Online Global MBA with Anaheim University.  Recently we contacted him and asked him about his experience with the program. – Can you tell us briefly about your career? I work in a public Japanese company based in Tokyo and I also have been working in a Shanghai subsidiary for 10 years as a general manager. Our company is a manufacturer in the surface finishing industry.  Our technology is widely used in the PWB, electronics, semiconductor, and automobile industries. – Why did you choose Anaheim University? Anaheim University has good lecturers and the program structure is great.  All the faculty are of course very knowledgeable, but what’s more, they are supportive of the students and often go out of their way to help when needed. There are lots of world-class professors. One of Anaheim University’s slogans that I like very much is “Students first. Always.” And what’s more, there is a bonus that comes with studying at Anaheim University which is the community of other students. It is a very learner-centered environment at Anaheim University. – Why did you choose to earn an MBA? First, I wanted an MBA because I wanted to advance my career and be prepared for the new challenges with a more professional MBA perspective. While enrolled in an MBA program, I knew I would have the opportunity to learn general business and management expertise that can be applied to nearly any industry. Second, I now know more people to enhance my personal network. Third, one of the best reasons to get an MBA is because I am truly interested in studying business administration. – What did you like best about the program? The professors often analyzed the case studies in the class directly. This made it very useful for us to understand and apply the theories.  This method can help us solve these same real-work problems which we will meet in the future. – What is your favorite memory from the program? Not only were the lecturers some of the best around, but the support that the university provides was also very good. If I had a question regarding my studies, I usually got a reply to an e-mail within 24 hours.  And the answers were very thorough. – How was the experience studying online? The format for the online classes allowed students to interact with professors and students from all over the world, and I found myself being more engaged and discussing the issues more deeply than I ever had the chance to do in a face-to-face class. It was challenging, it was fun, and you would meet students from all over the world. It was fantastic to chat with classmates from Japan, Korea, California, Minnesota, Canada, and Pennsylvania at the same time. – Did you feel you were part of a learning community? Of course I was.  It is a very learner-centered environment at Anaheim University and I was working with some truly inspiring people from all walks of life. The MBA program was not easy. Most people needed to put in many hours to get through the required work. Many spend most of their free time with a book or at a computer. I myself had to do this, but it was certainly worth it. – What was the most unusual location you joined an online class or discussion forum from? Once when I was waiting to board a plane at the airport, my classmates decided to discuss a topic online suddenly that I had to respond to immediately. This was the most unusual location I where I joined an online discussion. – What would you say to someone who is hesitant about studying online? Like you, I was wary of putting my trust in studying online, but Anaheim University is a quality educational institution and the experience has far exceeded my expectations. If you are looking for an environment supported by the best textbook writers in the industry plus students from all corners of the globe, then you will be happy at Anaheim. If you choose Anaheim University, I believe you’ll be glad you did. If you are seriously looking for an online university at which to study your MBA, I can highly recommend Anaheim University.

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Welcome New Faculty: Dr. Carlos Aquino

Anaheim University is pleased to welcome new business faculty, Dr. Carlos Tasso Eira De Aquino! Carlos Tasso Eira De Aquino is an accomplished senior executive and educator combining over 25 years of experience in leadership and scholarship in Business, Education, IT, and Engineering with a PhD and two Post-Docs. In his executive career, he has been strategically building, managing and guiding diverse teams to solve complex, systemic problems. As an educator, he has taught, developed and supervised, and published relevant research and scholarship. In that area, he is adept at developing and implementing academic programs, accreditation processes, operational, regulatory and quality procedures and policies, and corporate training programs that foster measurable performance improvements. Dr. Aquino has accumulated achievements and recognition as Executive-Director, Senior Director, Project Manager, Provost, Dean of Business, Dean of Accreditation, among other capacities in organizations in the USA and abroad, with followers that encompassed a clear diversity of cultures. Before moving to the United States in 2008, Dr. Aquino was responsible for directing a country-wide program, sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology, focused on improving energy usage. Dr. Aquino prepared the Brazilian version of many business books, published by Pearson Education, Cengage Learning and McGraw-Hill, authored a book on Adult Higher Education (How to Learn: Andragogy and Learning Skills) for Pearson Education in Brazil in 2008, and is currently working on two books (Palgrave McMillan and Emerald Publishing), covering different aspects of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Along his career, he has presented more than 45 articles in peer-reviewed conferences and published more than 40 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. Since 2014, he had 15 papers presented in venues such as Western Academy of Management, ACBSP, and GUIDE (Global Universities in Distance Education) Conferences and had 6 papers published in peer-reviewed journals.

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AU Alumni, Julie Choi, Publishes New Book

Creating a Multivocal Self: Autoethnography as Method by Julie Choi    Showcasing a new methodology in language learning and identity research, this carefully conceptualized, innovative book explicates the use of autoethnography as a way of re-imagining one’s sense of linguistic and cultural identity. A key work for researchers and students in Applied Linguistics and Language Education, it addresses fundamental aspects of research methodology and explores substantive issues relating to individual dimensions of multilingualism. Choi shows convincingly how the learning of a language is inseparable from one’s constant searching for a voice, a place, and a self in this world, demonstrating the importance of interrogating what lies behind everyday life events and interactions―the political and ethical implications of the utterances, thoughts, actions, and stories of the self and others. Themes of authenticity, illegitimacy, power relations, perceptions of self/other, cultural discourses and practices, and related issues in multilingual identity development surface in the multi-modal narratives. Chapters on methodology, woven through the book, focus on the process of knowledge production, approaches to writing narratives, the messiness of research writing practices, and the inseparability of writing and research.

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Anaheim University Now Accepting Applications for our MFA in Digital Filmmaking through the Akira Kurosawa School of Film

Anaheim University is excited to be accepting applications for the first cohort of students for our Masters of Fine Arts in Digital Filmmaking.  Our first class will be offered on September 18, 2017. Akira Kurosawa was the youngest of seven children, born in Tokyo on 23 March 1910. He has said that the first important influence in his life was a teacher called Tachikawa, who was progressive in his emphasis on art education for the young. This was how the young Kurosawa was introduced to art and film. A talented painter, he enrolled in an art school that emphasized Western styles. Around this time he also joined an artists’ group with a great enthusiasm for nineteenth-century Russian literature, with Dostoevsky a particular favourite. Another influence was Heigo, one of his brothers, who loved film and worked as a benshi, a film narrator/commentator for foreign silent films. His suicide deeply affected the director’s sensibilities. In 1930 he responded to a newspaper advertisement for assistant directors at a film studio and began assisting Kajiro Yamamoto, who liked the fact he knew ‘a lot about things other than movies’. Within five years he was writing scripts and directing whole sequences for Yamamoto films. In 1943 he made his debut as a director with Judo Saga (Sanshiro Sugata), with a magnificent martial-arts sequence in which two masters fight to the death in a wind-swept field, their flying limbs all but obscured by the tall swaying grasses. Consider the acclaim given to the similar fight sequences in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and it’s obvious why in 1943 people began to talk about a young film-maker with a brilliant future. His early films were produced during the Second World War, so had to comply to themes prescribed by official state propaganda policy. It was Drunken Angel which was Kurosawa’s first personally expressive work, made in 1948 and featuring Toshiro Mifune who became Kurosawa’s favourite leading man. The director has noted “In this picture I finally discovered myself”. For those who discover Kurosawa, they will find a master technician and stylist, with a deep humanism and compassion for his characters and an awe of the enormity of nature. He awakened the West to Japanese cinema with Rashomon, which won the top prize in the Venice Film Festival of 1951, and also a special Oscar for best foreign film. A golden period followed, with the West enthralled by his work. Seven Samurai was remade in the US under its alternative title The Magnificent Seven and the lone samurai hero Yojimbo was the inspiration for Clint Eastwood’s man with no name persona, most obviously in A Fistful of Dollars. The intercultural influence was reciprocal. Kurosawa’s fondness for Hollywood westerns in the John Ford tradition is seen in the epic sweep of Hidden Fortress, an award-winning film that inspired George Lucas to lift the plot for Star Wars. His love of literature also surfaced in two superb interpretations of Shakespeare (Macbeth in Throne of Blood and King Lear in Ran) and versions of Gorky’s The Lower Depths and The Idiot by Dostoevsky. Following Red Beard (Akahige) in 1965 he entered a frustrating period of aborted projects and forced inactivity and when in 1970 his first film in five years (Dodeska-den) failed at the box office, he attempted suicide. Directing a Soviet-Japanese production, Dersu Uzala helped him to recover and took four years to make. It won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 1975 and a gold medal at the Moscow Film Festival. Kurosawa won multiple awards for many of his films, notably Kagemusha (1980), a deeply humanistic historical epic, and for the blockbusting Ran (1985). A true auteur, he supervised the editing of nearly all his films and wrote or collaborated on the scripts of most. His memoirs were published in 1982, titled Something like an Autobiography. In 1989 he won an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement. At the age of 72 he said “I like unformed characters. This may be because, no matter how old I get, I am still unformed myself.” Kurosawa died in 1998. Source: British Film Institute (BFI) For information, please contact Student Services at

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Michelle Kristula-Green, who Wall Street Journal credited as “The Most Powerful Woman in Asian Advertising,” speaks to Anaheim University business students

Michelle Kristula-Green, the former Global Head of People and Culture for Leo Burnett Worldwide, was a guest speaker for Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) students of Anaheim University’s Akio Morita School of Business on Friday, March 3rd, 2017 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm California time. Based in Chicago, Illinois, she spoke with Anaheim University’s global student body by live high definition webcam during a live online webcam seminar. Part of Publicis Group, Leo Burnett is one of the world’s largest advertising agency networks with 85 offices and over 9,000 employees. As the former Global Head of People and Culture for Leo Burnett Worldwide, Michelle Kristula-Green was charged with shaping global strategies for attracting, developing and rewarding employees. She was previously President of Leo Burnett’s Asia Pacific region — the first woman to run an agency region in Asia. Prior to taking that role in February 2004, she was President and representative director of Beacon Communications, the partnership with Dentsu that resulted from the merger of Leo Burnett and D’Arcy’s operations in Japan. She was responsible for the integration of these Publicis Groupe sister companies into one cohesive agency and the first woman to run a multinational agency in Japan. A speaker at conferences around the Asia region, The Wall Street Journal included Michelle in their list of “The 50 Women to Watch: 2006”, calling her the “most powerful woman in Asian advertising.” One of the only non-Asian agency heads to have proficiency in Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish, Michelle began her career at Burnett in account management over 30 years ago, living in Chicago, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Tokyo, and has worked with a broad range of local and multinational clients, including airlines, packaged goods, and technology, helping businesses effectively localize global brands and globalize local brands. Michelle Kristula-Green holds an MA in Far Eastern Languages and Civilization as well as a BA from the University of Chicago and attended the Women’s Director Development Program at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management In addition to currently enrolled students, Anaheim University MBA alumni were welcome to attend. Prior to the live online webcam seminar, all attendees were asked to watch this video of Michelle Kristula-Green’s prior presentation for Anaheim University’s MBA students here: To register for the next live online webcam seminar, e-mail ausupport @

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Anaheim University Master of Entrepreneurship Student Interview: Danny Schayes, Retired NBA Player and Builder Financial Founder

Born in Syracuse, New York, Danny Schayes is a retired professional Basketball player. During his time with the NBA, he played for the Utah Jazz, Denver Nuggets, Milwaukee Bucks, L.A. Lakers, Phoenix Suns, Miami Heat and Orlando Magic. Holding a B.A. in Chemistry from Syracuse University, Danny is now a student in the Master of Entrepreneurship (ME) program through the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business. 1. Could you please tell us briefly about your career in the NBA?  As a player I played 18 years in the NBA for 7 different teams. I played 8 years with the Denver Nuggets and my last 3 years with the Orlando Magic among others. I also was very involved with the business of the NBA as one of the lead negotiators for the Collective Bargaining Agreement. After my playing days I was a Board Executive and Executive Director of the NBA’s Retired Players Association. My father Dolph Schayes, was also an NBA player. He played for 16 years as one of the league’s pioneers. He is a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame and elected one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA history (Top 50) 2. Why did you choose Anaheim University? I chose Anaheim University for its online programs in Entrepreneurship. I am in business development and wanted to increase my professional skill and credentials. 3. What are you studying with AU and why did you choose the program?  I chose the Masters of Entrepreneurship program (ME) as it is a tremendous fit with my business path. I am currently the co-founder of a start up company and am applying the coursework to my current business. 4. How’s your experience so far with AU? I am completely satisfied with my experience with Anaheim University. With my current start up activities, raising a family, and a heavy travel schedule my attention can be limited at times. The school has been tremendously accommodating to my needs and the professors have been accessible outside of the traditional school hours. The office staff has been on top of things whenever I have questions and have been very attentive. I could not achieve this at a classroom based program currently. 5. What do you do for a living & how you study at AU is helping your career? (or how do you think your study is going to help your career?) I recently left my job as the Director of Business Optimization at a high level economics firm to found a start up company called Builder Financial Inc ( BuildFi is a cloud based financing marketplace for commercial construction. Studying at Anaheim University offered me the opportunity to apply the lessons that I am studying directly to my business. I have already applied what I learned in accounting, forecasting, Intellectual property, and other areas to my growing business. I will continue this practice all the way through the program and hopefully beyond. About Anaheim University Anaheim University is a nationally accredited online institution of higher learning headquartered in Anaheim, California.  The school is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), an accrediting commission based in Washington D.C. and established in 1926.  The DEAC is a recognized member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). For more information about Anaheim University and our programs, please visit our website at, or contact us at

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Anaheim University TESOL Certificate Graduate Receives Award from China’s Guangzhou Ministry of Education

Anaheim University Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) graduate James Doty was awarded the “Gold Medal Award for Characteristic School for Compulsory Education in Multiculturalism” by China’s Guangzhou Ministry of Education. James stated, “All of this extra work that I have created for myself by taking this class has just simply reaffirmed to me that everything that I do to extend my knowledge and ability to make me a better teacher is worth it and I should never stop striving for excellence.”

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Anaheim University DBA Student Interview: Vladimir Stepania, Retired NBA Player and Managing Principal of Stepania & Associates, LLC

Born in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, Soviet Union, Vladimir Stepania is a retired professional Basketball player. During his time with the NBA, he played for the Seattle SuperSonics, New Jersey Nets, Miami Heat and the Portland Trail Blazers. Holding a Master of Science in Sports and Media Management from New York University and a Master of Health Administration (MHA) from the University of Washington, Vladimir is now a student in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Entrepreneurship program through the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business. AU: Could you tell us briefly about your career in the NBA?  STEPANIA: I played for six and a half years in four different teams between 1998 and 2005. AU: Why did you choose Anaheim University?  STEPANIA: I own four businesses and knowledge is very important to stay ahead and improve the quality of service. My goal is to build and own a mid-size company in health care or food services that could grow and be acquired years from now. AU: Why did you choose to study in the DBA in Entrepreneurship program?  STEPANIA: I received tuition relief through the National Basketball Association’s Retired Player’s Association. I loved the idea to learn entrepreneurship and wanted to gain networking opportunities with students and professors as well. AU: How has your experience been so far with Anaheim University?  STEPANIA: So far, very great! I like the professors, their flexible approach to teaching, and having them share their experience. The course reading materials are also valuable resources of information and knowledge. AU: What do you do for a living and how is studying at Anaheim University helping your career? STEPANIA: I own a couple of small businesses based in Seattle — a long-term care for the elderly service, as well as a regional food brokerage company that specializes in supplying retailers and some wholesalers. I would love to teach some courses as an adjunct professor, perhaps at your school, once I complete my studies. About Anaheim University  Anaheim University is a nationally accredited online institution of higher learning headquartered in Anaheim, California.  The school is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), an accrediting commission based in Washington D.C. and established in 1926.  The DEAC is a recognized member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). For more information about Anaheim University and our programs, please visit our website at, or contact us at

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Anaheim University Takes a Stand For Affordable Education with $5,000 Accredited MBA

ANAHEIM UNIVERSITY TAKES A STAND FOR AFFORDABLE EDUCATION WITH $5,000 ACCREDITED MBA  —Live classes led by business experts lend industry experience to both MBA and DBA degrees — Anaheim, CA — Anaheim University’s new tuition relief program offers a $5,000 accredited online MBA and a $10,000 accredited online DBA to the first 100 new students, making these online programs the most affordable MBA and DBA on today’s market and allowing students to graduate debt-free.  Each of the 6-week business courses that comprise the MBA and DBA programs also include live, real-time online seminars led by business and industry experts, offering students an interactive international experience without having to travel beyond their home or work, and keeping the focus on quality as well as affordability. The MBA in International Business, MBA in Sustainable Management, and Master of Entrepreneurship each take an average of 18 months to complete and are designed to allow students to work full time while earning their degrees.  The DBA programs, with concentrations in International Business, Sustainable Management, Entrepreneurship, and Management, take an average of 2.5 years to complete and are also designed for professionals who work full-time. Dr. Andrew Honeycutt, President of Anaheim University, holds a DBA from Harvard University and speaks first-hand about the value of a graduate business degree: “The self-made business expert, the Bill Gates or the Steve Jobs, comes once in a generation.  For the rest of us, an MBA or a DBA provides a foundation of knowledge in every aspect of business, a set of tools and skills that is transferable and universal, and that allows people in business to communicate from the same fundamental starting point.”  Dr. Robert Robertson, Dean of the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business with a Ph.D. from Stirling University in Scotland, agrees, stating that “the burden of debt in this country is an epidemic that leaves some students with staggering loans to repay and others completely unable to consider a higher ed. degree.  Here at Anaheim, we’re trying a new approach, a debt-free, high-quality approach that we hope others will follow. In addition, the lower fee structure makes our business programs globally competitive.  Our goal is affordable excellence.” Anaheim University students and graduates work at companies all over the world.  Trevor Hill, who was Managing Director of Audi Volkswagen Middle East, stated that, “The MBA program at Anaheim University is ideal for someone who’s had some work experience and wants to gain a little bit more… what we call “sharpening the saw.” What I’ve learned from the MBA is that every part of the business is integrated, and… to run a business as a general manager or as the head of a business, you need to know almost everything about how that business runs.”   Suyapa Yaguchi, who was Associate Director of UBS Securities in Japan, agreed, stating that “A lot of the material that we covered has really helped me improve the projects that I’ve done for my managers, and it’s helped me add value to my company.”  Russell Taylor, who is Microsoft Global CritSit Manager, had another perspective: “I like the commute.  I’m able to walk into my living room, sit down at my computer, take care of my homework, and communicate with my professor and fellow students.”  Gilbert Espinelli, who was Pioneer Corporation International Business Education Coordinator, added that “one of the good points about Anaheim University is you really have a chance to network with so many kinds of people from different industries such as electronics, finance, as well as meeting a lot of students from other countries.”  “The students varied, their level of experience varied,” said Christiane Aigner, who was Japan Coordinator for the Embassy of Australia, “from people with not very much business experience to people with a lot of business experience, and I found it fantastic to be able to bounce off each other’s ideas.”  Ricardo Nishimoto, who was Accenture System Integration and Technology Manager, shared that “The guest lecturers are quite impressive.  We had big names in business – in Japan and the world — come to Anaheim University to spend some time with us.  They provide a lot of knowledge, a lot of insight about their industry and about how they work every day.” This tuition relief program reduces the cost of the entire MBA degree program to $4,975, which includes $4,500 for tuition ($375 per course x 12 courses) plus application, registration, and graduation fees.  The entire DBA degree program is $10,975, which includes $10,500 for tuition ($525 per course x 20 courses) plus application, registration, and graduation fees.  Students can either pay for the entire program up front, pay for each 6-week course as they take it, or pay on a monthly basis, which would be $250 x 18 months for the MBA or $365 x 30 months for the DBA. About Anaheim University  Anaheim University is a nationally accredited online institution of higher learning headquartered in Anaheim, California.  The school is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), an accrediting commission based in Washington D.C. and established in 1926.  The DEAC is a recognized member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). For more information about Anaheim University and our programs, please visit our website at, or contact us at

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Anaheim University Dean of the Akio Morita School of Business, Dr. Robert Robertson, Selected by the Government of Canada as an Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) Scholar

Anaheim University Dean of the Akio Morita School of Business, Dr. Robert W. Robertson, was selected by the Government of Canada’s Department of Global Affairs, as a scholar in the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP). The ELAP scholarship, which is co-organized by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), is designed to support the development of human capital and the next generation of leaders in the Americas, while strengthening the linkages between post-secondary institutions in Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean. The ELAP promotes democratic governance, peace and security and prosperity in the region. Countries participating include the Bahamas, Jamaica, Belize, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama, Uruguay, Peru and Cuba. In addition, Dr. Robertson participated in CBIE’s 50th Annual Conference in Ottawa, Ontario, November 14-16, 2016. The conference is a landmark event that brought together more than 800 academics, delegates and stakeholders from Canadian and international institutions, provincial and federal governments as well as national educational associations. Many sessions addressed the growing importance of building a global perspective in academic institutions. Dr. Robertson noted that this conference was very important in understanding how academic intuitions are globalizing and why this type of initiative is important. He has more than 25 years’ experience leading award winning organizations in Canada, the United States and Central Asia.

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Dr. Robert Robertson Appointed as Dean of Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business

After 11 years of service to Anaheim University, Dr. William Hartley has been appointed to the position of President Emeritus and has handed his position as Dean of the Akio Morita School of Business to Dr. Robert Robertson, who had been serving as Associate Dean. Dr. Hartley will continue to serve as a Professor in the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business. Dr. William Hartley’s background is a combination of education, private sector work, teaching and consulting. Holding a bachelor’s degree, three master degrees, and a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, University of California at Berkeley and University of Wisconsin respectively, he is the former Chairman of the Department of Economics and Business Administration at the State University of New York (SUNY), Fredonia. In addition to many years teaching at the undergraduate level, Dr. Hartley has taught in MBA programs for over 18 years at both Niagara University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and has taught on-line courses for the State University of New York. In the corporate world, Dr. Hartley has had a variety of jobs from administrative manager of the R&D division of a Fortune 500 company to the executive training program of Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Michigan, as well as owning and operating an art gallery for a period of 12 years.  In the area of consulting, Dr. Hartley has worked primarily in management development and in strategic management consulting activities. Dr. Robert Robertson has more than 15 years of experience in academia as a Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Business and MBA program director in the United States and in Kazakhstan. He holds a Ph.D. in Management and Organization (Stirling University, Scotland); Post-Doctoral Professional Certificate, International Business and Leadership (Argosy University); Post Graduate Diploma in International Management-China (University of London); Master of Studies in Law (Vermont Law School); Master of Public Administration (Dalhousie University, Canada); a Master of Arts (Eastern Kentucky University) and a Bachelor of Science (East Tennessee State University). In addition, he has an Executive Certificate from the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Innovation and Strategy. Dr. Robertson was selected by the United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to the Fulbright Specialist Program. He has served as Chief Academic Officer and Research Fellow at the University of Phoenix’s Center for Workforce Diversity, Central Florida campus in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Robertson is a Visiting Full Professor at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, Faculty of Economics; and, he serves as a Scientific Adviser to the Global Universities in Distance Education (GUIDE) association headquartered at Marconi University, Rome, Italy. He is an invited speaker on international business, strategy, online education and workforce training; and he regularly lectures in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Europe, Brazil and the United States. In the public sector, he has more than 20 years of management experience including serving as the City Manager for the City of Hamilton, Ontario in Canada with more than 8,500 employees and a budget in excess of one billion dollars.

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