
アナハイム大学 4月15日(土)に竹中パートナーズ創業者、竹中征夫氏のオンライン特別講演を開催
米国カリフォルニア州に拠点を置き、世界各地にオンライン教育を提供するアナハイム大学では、来る4月15日(土)午前9時(日本時間)から、竹中パートナーズ(Takenaka Partners LLC.)の創業者であり、代表取締役社長兼最高経営責任者である竹中征夫氏のオンライン特別講演を開催いたします。 日時:4月15日(土)午前9時〜10時(日本時間) 対象:アナハイム大学オンラインMBAプログラムおよびDBAプログラム(ビジネス博士課程)在学生・卒業生とその知人・友人 申込方法:support@anaheim.eduまでメールにてご連絡ください。 【竹中征夫氏プロフィール】 ユタ大学卒業後、大手会計事務所KPMGに入社。日系人初のパートナーとなる。1989年に竹中パートナーズを設立。米国に進出した日本企業の会計処理を手がける。不動産や金融機関、IT企業など数多くのM&Aやクロスボーダー取引を成功させ、日本企業のグローバル化におけるパイオニア的存在として知られる。主な著書は『企業買収戦略‐M&Aによる新しい企業成長』(ダイヤモンド社)など。 本件に関するお問い合わせ:support@anaheim.edu(日本語可) 【アナハイム大学について】 所在地: 1240 S. State College Blvd. #110 Anaheim CA 92806 設立: 1996 年 Tel: +1-714-772-3330 URL: http://www.anaheim.edu 事業内容: 米国カリフォルニア州アナハイムを拠点に、1996 年の設立以来、オンライン TESOL(英語教授法)プログラムやMBA など、質の高いオンライン教育を短期資格取得コースから修士課程及び博士課程コースにわたって世界各地でご提供しています。

プレスリリース 報道関係者各位 アナハイム大学オンラインMBAプログラム・DBA(ビジネス博士課程)プログラム都内説明会のお知らせ 2017年4月5日 Anaheim University 米国カリフォルニア州に拠点を置き、世界各地にオンライン教育を提供するアナハイム大学では、この度東京都内にてオンラインMBAプログラム、およびオンラインDBAプログラム(ビジネス博士課程)の説明会を開催いたします。 現在アナハイム大学では、先着100名様を対象に大幅な授業料緩和を行っています。オンラインMBA (Master of Business Administration) プログラム(約18ヶ月)では、総額費用が約5,000ドル(約60万円)以下*で、オンラインDBA (Doctor of Business Administration) プログラム(ビジネス博士課程)(約36ヶ月)では、約11,000ドル(約120万円)*で学位を取得していただくことが可能です(*教科書費用を除く)。 本学のMBAプログラムでは、盛田昭夫スクール・オブ・ビジネスにて、国際ビジネスに特化したインターナショナルMBAを、さらに黒川紀章グリーン・インスティーチュートでは、サステナビリティ(持続可能性)に特化したグリーンMBAをご提供しています。DBAプログラムでは、国際ビジネス・マネジメント・持続可能な経営(サステナブル・マネジメント)・アントレプレナーシップ(起業家リーダーシップ)の4つから専攻を選択していただけます。 【アナハイム大学オンラインMBA・DBAプログラム説明会詳細】 日付:2017年4月15日(土)午前10時〜午前11時30分 場所:東京都港区南青山6-10-11 Wesley Center 301 公益財団法人ウェスレー財団 参加費:無料 申込方法:参加をご希望の方は、support@anaheim.eduまでメールにてご連絡ください。 ※ 説明会は日本語と英語の2ヶ国語で行われる予定です。

【英語教育のプロフェッショナルを目指して専門知識を身に付ける!】アナハイム大学2016年 オンラインTESOL(英語教授法)認定プログラム 学生満足度調査結果報告
米国カリフォルニア州に拠点を置き世界各地にオンライン教育を提供するアナハイム大学では、 2016年に本学で提供されたオンラインTESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; 英語を母国語としない人のための教授法)認定プログラムの修了生を対象に、学生満足度調査を行いました。 アナハイム大学のオンラインTESOL認定プログラムは100%オンラインで提供され、15週間のカリキュラムで構成され、毎週講義ビデオの視聴や課題リーディング、さらにディスカッションフォーラムや小テストを通し、世界各地から集まる学生やインストラクターとインタラクティブに学びを深めます。英語教育に携わる学生の方が多く、個人的な体験を共有し合い、学んだことを基にアドバイスを得ることも可能です。 全体では95%の学生が「友人にプログラムを勧めたい」・「本学のプログラムに満足している」と回答。さらに96%の学生が「プログラム開始当初の目標を達成することができた」と回答しています。 また、プログラムの修了率も同じく95%に上りました。 アナハイム大学TESOL認定プログラム修了生の声: 短期で集中して一気に学べて大変良かったと思います。先生もフレンドリーで、熱心に迅速に質問に答えてくださったり、クラスメートも多国籍(アメリカ、韓国、日本、南米等)で終始楽しく学べたと記憶しています。 資格コースは短期間ですが、テキストもシラバスも厳選されており、要点がきちんと学べました。あとは、いかに各自が展開して学ぶか(実践も含めて)だと思います。 また、TESOLだけでなく、教育一般に関しても(子ども~成人まで)参考となる部分があり、大変良い機会となりました。 ディスカッションフォーラムで自分たちの経験をシェアできたのがよかった。特に授業案を考える課題の時には、お互いから学ぶことができた。 より良い英語教師であるためのテクニックやストラテジーを多く学んだ。また、今後も参考にできるウェブサイトなどをたくさん知ることができた。 理論と実践。原則をよく理解し、効果的に活用するためにアプローチの裏にある理論を知ることは重要だと思う。 英語教育に関する基本的な性質について学んだ 教師は学習者のニーズに合わせ、学習者の自主的な学習を通じて自律性を伸ばすべきであるということを深く理解することができた。 英語教育に関してより深く理解することができた。自分が教室で教える時に役立つと思う。

Professor Vikram Channa talks about the Launch of the MFA Program
Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific Vice President of Production and Development, Vikram Channa serves as Associate Dean of the Anaheim University Akira Kurosawa School of Film. Vikram, who in addition to having a Masters in Film and Television Production and a Masters in History, earned his MBA from the University of Chicago and brings strategic thinking to the film set and innovation to the classroom. At Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific, he is responsible for the production of all original Discovery content out of Asia-Pacific. Based in Singapore, he works closely with Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific’s (DNAP) senior management and country heads to provide editorial direction. Vikram and his team produce approximately 100 hours of programming every year across DNAP’s portfolio of eight channel brands. Vikram first joined Discovery in 1995. He has taken on various roles within the company from on-air promotions to programming and production. Together with his team, he executive produced over 500 documentaries, several of which garnered accolades at events such as the Asia Television Awards, New York Festival, Omni Intermedia, and the Academy Awards. Vikram began his working career in India as an independent producer of short films. Recently we contacted him regarding the upcoming launch of the MFA program this September and asked him his thoughts about the program and the current direction of the filmmaking industry. The MFA program is scheduled to commence this coming fall. Do you have any advice for our incoming students who are just commencing their MFA? It’s an exciting time! The media, like many other industries, is changing around us. As you step into this program it’s critical to ask the right questions with regard to ongoing changes and ask what they mean for you from a professional perspective. Can you tell us about one of your favorite projects you have worked on? I am currently working on creating the definitive series on Traditional Chinese Medicine. It’s a real window into a deep understanding of Chinese culture. What makes a great documentary? Balance between providing great insight and perspective in a way that is both visually and emotionally compelling. Can you tell us some of your thoughts regarding Akira Kurosawa? Akira Kurosawa was the ultimate globalist before ‘globalisation’ became the norm. He defied convention and made a mark as a universalist visual storyteller. Which is why a number of his movies have inspired Hollywood remake versions even during his career. How is the art of film expanding in a global context? It’s an interesting time. If you observe what is happening, cinematic values and storytelling have taken over Television. It’s like a golden era driven by UHD Smart TV sets where viewers watch this amazing high quality content whenever they want to, unlike in the past when this technology was unavailable. Yet at the same time it’s Hollywood film that is moving into the mold of classic TV series/multi episode mode with X-men, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek, Star War Reboots. At the same time, both globalization and the Internet together have created unique possibilities for niches from other cultures to find audiences and coexist with the mainstream media more than ever before. What do you hope Anaheim University’s MFA graduates will gain from the program? I think I would go back to the thought expressed in Question 1: It’s an exciting time. Success now depends so much on the clarity with which one can see opportunity in these times of tremendous change. You can define the pathway to success, but you also need to be plugged into the changes in the industry.

アナハイム大学TESOL 2017参加のご報告
3月21日〜24日の4日間、シアトル(米国ワシントン州)にて開催されたTESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; 英語を母国語としない人のための教授法)の学会、TESOL 2017にアナハイム大学が参加。本学オンラインTESOLプログラムの在学生や卒業生、教授陣が数多く学会発表を行い、本学ブースに立ち寄った参加者から、たくさんのコメントが寄せられました。 【関連記事】 TESOL 2017 アナハイム大学TESOL教授陣の学会発表予定 オンラインTESOL博士課程在学生2名のTESOL2017における学会発表が決定 デビッド・ヌーナン教授、TESOL 2017での学会発表が決定 アナハイム大学オンラインTESOL修士課程卒業生がTESOL 2017で学会発表

アナハイム大学では2017年5月29日よりオンラインTESOL修士課程 (MA in TESOL)および博士課程(Ed.D. in TESOL)にて、新たなTESOL(英語教授法)コースが開講されます。 授業は毎週リアルタイムで行われるオンライン授業(日本時間土曜午前)のほか、ディスカッションフォーラムへの投稿やその他オンラインで提出する課題が含まれます。ディスカッションフォーラムやオンライン授業を通じ、教員やクラスメートとインタラクティブに学ぶことが可能です。 下記授業は外部の方も登録していただけます。登録をご希望の方は、本学アドミッションオフィス(support@anaheim.edu)までお問い合わせください。 EDU 711 Technology and English Language Teaching 担当教員:Dr. Ken Beatty 期間:2017年5月29日〜7月21日 オンライン授業:毎週金曜日午後3時半〜5時(米国太平洋時間) (日本時間土曜日午前7時30分〜9時) 2017年5月29日〜7月21日 EDU 500 Second Language Teaching and Learning 担当教員:Dr. Ken Beatty 期間:2017年5月29日〜7月21日 オンライン授業:毎週金曜日午後5時〜6時半(米国太平洋時間) (日本時間土曜日午前9時〜10時30分)

2009年7月8日、米国プロ野球チーム、ロサンゼルス・エンゼル・オブ・アナハイムの本拠地、エンゼル・スタジアム・オブ・アナハイム(カリフォルニア州アナハイム)にて行われた、ロサンゼルスエンジェルズ対テキサスレンジャーズのアメリカンリーグ西地区決勝戦の始球式にアナハイム大学が参加しました。 本学のサポーターであるBody Glove(マリンスポーツ用品メーカー)の創立者、Bob Meistrell氏が本学を代表し、投球を行いました。

この度、アナハイム大学は韓国・ソウルに拠点を置く女子大学、淑明女子大学校とパートナーシップ提携を締結し、同校のTESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; 英語を母国語としない人のための教授法)認定コースの修了生にアナハイム大学のオンラインTESOL修士課程 (MA in TESOL) もしくは、博士課程 (Doctor of Education in TESOL)への単位を移行することが可能になりました。 (淑明女子大学校のTESOLプログラムのディレクター兼国際TESOL協会 (TESOL International Association) の役員を務めるKyungsook Yeum氏(右)と本学Managing Director of Development、 David Bracey(左))

Congratulations to Linh Phung! Anaheim University’s First Graduate of the Ed.D. in TESOL
On March 5, 2017, AU doctoral student Linh Phung successfully defended her Dissertation on Learners’ Engagement in Task Performance. Two weeks later, she became Dr. Linh Phung, the first graduate of Anaheim University’s Ed.D. in TESOL program. After her Defense, we interviewed Dr. Phung about her experience with Anaheim University. – Why did you choose Anaheim University’s Ed.D. in TESOL program? Completing a doctorate has been my goal since I finished my Master’s degree. I first learned about Anaheim University’s Ed.D. in TESOL when I saw an advertisement on the TESOL International’s website. Since I work full-time, studying online fit my schedule perfectly. I was also impressed by who was on the faculty and wished to learn from them, so I applied, got accepted, and started the program. – Can you tell us about your career to date? I’ve been teaching EFL and ESL for almost 15 years. I’ve taught in various universities in Vietnam and the U.S. I’m currently the director of the English Language Program at Chatham University. I oversee different aspects of the program, including curriculum, assessment and placement of new students, student advisement, student progress and achievement, ELP admission, and program evaluation. It’s a challenging job, but I expand my experiences by handling different challenges every day. – How do you expect your Ed.D. to further your career? I knew that I wanted to go all the way in the education journey to attain the highest degree. I pursued an Ed.D. mostly because I always enjoy learning. The Ed.D. will, hopefully, provide me with opportunities to teach graduate courses, conduct research, and publish in the future. – Can you share a favorite memory from Anaheim University? I enjoyed talking with classmates after each lesson. We talked about so many things, and I felt I had a voice. It gave me confidence. – Did you have a favorite class at Anaheim University? I enjoyed so many classes that it is difficult to say what my favorite class was. I enjoyed Dr. Ellis’ courses because of the clarity of his instruction. His Instructed SLA course provided me with a clear taxonomy of different options in teaching grammar and promoting learners’ linguistic development. I also liked his Individual Differences (ID) course because I was fascinated with the dynamic concept of motivation although sometimes I felt I was being in a maze of hazy ID concepts. Dr. Tomlinson’s Materials Development course has been highly influential since I have been applying his principles of materials development in many of the courses that I teach. It was the first time that I thought about “cognitively and affectively” engaging materials. In addition, it motivated my dissertation research into learners’ engagement in task performance. Dr. Lambert’s Researching Tasks course introduced me to task-based language teaching (TBLT). No matter how influential the approach has been, I did not think much of TBLT before this course, probably because it was not discussed as frequently in the U.S. as in other contexts. The case study I completed in his course was expanded into my dissertation research. I loved Dr. Bailey’s Language Teacher Education and Qualitative Research courses because she was simply amazing instructor, who held high expectations of the students while being motivating at the same time. Dr. Murray and Christenson’s ELT Management course equipped me with frameworks and tools to be a better leader. Dr. Reinders’ lessons were always so thoroughly prepared and fun! Other courses were also interesting and informative to my work and research, and I truly enjoyed them all. – How did you enjoy the online experience? I enjoyed the online experience at Anaheim University because it allowed students to work independently as well as collaboratively. It also incorporated weekly live lectures, which were important in pushing us to complete all the necessary work before the lecture. The fact that the students and professor were on camera together once a week created a better sense of community. – Who would you recommend to the Anaheim University Ed.D. program? I would recommend the program to anyone who is currently working as a language teacher and wants to expand their knowledge and have access to leadership, research, and publication opportunities. – What were the challenges in your program? The challenges have somewhat faded from my memory probably because I greatly enjoyed the program. I think taking course work non-stop for three years was difficult as I was always busy with reading, completing tasks, and doing assignments. The weekend when the major papers were due was when I had to work dozens of hours straight. I know I’m a procrastinator. – Please tell us about your experience the Oral Defense. Were you nervous beforehand? I submitted my dissertation in December, but because I and my Defense Committee members are located in several different continents, the defense could only be scheduled in March. I took a break from my dissertation for several months before starting to prepare for the defense. I read my dissertation again several times, reread some of the major articles I cited, and took notes of what I took away from the research. I was anxious the day before the defense, a few hours before the defense, and also during the defense. I was also excited, so I just said whatever came to my mind in response to the examiner’s questions. I might have talked too much, but with passion, so it might have been a good thing. The bottom line was that I passed, so I was exhilarated. – What was your dissertation topic and why did you select it? My topic was learners’ engagement in task performance. I selected it because I’m interested in developing tasks and materials that are cognitively and affectively engaging to learners. When learners are highly engaged, perhaps, they will learn more from their lessons. – Which residential sessions did you attend and what did you like best about them? I attended two residential sessions in California. It was great to see the professors, classmates, and Anaheim’s

Interview with MBA Alumni Haoyang (Don) Wang
In 2007, Haoyang (Don) Wang completed his Online Global MBA with Anaheim University. Recently we contacted him and asked him about his experience with the program. – Can you tell us briefly about your career? I work in a public Japanese company based in Tokyo and I also have been working in a Shanghai subsidiary for 10 years as a general manager. Our company is a manufacturer in the surface finishing industry. Our technology is widely used in the PWB, electronics, semiconductor, and automobile industries. – Why did you choose Anaheim University? Anaheim University has good lecturers and the program structure is great. All the faculty are of course very knowledgeable, but what’s more, they are supportive of the students and often go out of their way to help when needed. There are lots of world-class professors. One of Anaheim University’s slogans that I like very much is “Students first. Always.” And what’s more, there is a bonus that comes with studying at Anaheim University which is the community of other students. It is a very learner-centered environment at Anaheim University. – Why did you choose to earn an MBA? First, I wanted an MBA because I wanted to advance my career and be prepared for the new challenges with a more professional MBA perspective. While enrolled in an MBA program, I knew I would have the opportunity to learn general business and management expertise that can be applied to nearly any industry. Second, I now know more people to enhance my personal network. Third, one of the best reasons to get an MBA is because I am truly interested in studying business administration. – What did you like best about the program? The professors often analyzed the case studies in the class directly. This made it very useful for us to understand and apply the theories. This method can help us solve these same real-work problems which we will meet in the future. – What is your favorite memory from the program? Not only were the lecturers some of the best around, but the support that the university provides was also very good. If I had a question regarding my studies, I usually got a reply to an e-mail within 24 hours. And the answers were very thorough. – How was the experience studying online? The format for the online classes allowed students to interact with professors and students from all over the world, and I found myself being more engaged and discussing the issues more deeply than I ever had the chance to do in a face-to-face class. It was challenging, it was fun, and you would meet students from all over the world. It was fantastic to chat with classmates from Japan, Korea, California, Minnesota, Canada, and Pennsylvania at the same time. – Did you feel you were part of a learning community? Of course I was. It is a very learner-centered environment at Anaheim University and I was working with some truly inspiring people from all walks of life. The MBA program was not easy. Most people needed to put in many hours to get through the required work. Many spend most of their free time with a book or at a computer. I myself had to do this, but it was certainly worth it. – What was the most unusual location you joined an online class or discussion forum from? Once when I was waiting to board a plane at the airport, my classmates decided to discuss a topic online suddenly that I had to respond to immediately. This was the most unusual location I where I joined an online discussion. – What would you say to someone who is hesitant about studying online? Like you, I was wary of putting my trust in studying online, but Anaheim University is a quality educational institution and the experience has far exceeded my expectations. If you are looking for an environment supported by the best textbook writers in the industry plus students from all corners of the globe, then you will be happy at Anaheim. If you choose Anaheim University, I believe you’ll be glad you did. If you are seriously looking for an online university at which to study your MBA, I can highly recommend Anaheim University.

Welcome New Faculty: Dr. Carlos Aquino
Anaheim University is pleased to welcome new business faculty, Dr. Carlos Tasso Eira De Aquino! Carlos Tasso Eira De Aquino is an accomplished senior executive and educator combining over 25 years of experience in leadership and scholarship in Business, Education, IT, and Engineering with a PhD and two Post-Docs. In his executive career, he has been strategically building, managing and guiding diverse teams to solve complex, systemic problems. As an educator, he has taught, developed and supervised, and published relevant research and scholarship. In that area, he is adept at developing and implementing academic programs, accreditation processes, operational, regulatory and quality procedures and policies, and corporate training programs that foster measurable performance improvements. Dr. Aquino has accumulated achievements and recognition as Executive-Director, Senior Director, Project Manager, Provost, Dean of Business, Dean of Accreditation, among other capacities in organizations in the USA and abroad, with followers that encompassed a clear diversity of cultures. Before moving to the United States in 2008, Dr. Aquino was responsible for directing a country-wide program, sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology, focused on improving energy usage. Dr. Aquino prepared the Brazilian version of many business books, published by Pearson Education, Cengage Learning and McGraw-Hill, authored a book on Adult Higher Education (How to Learn: Andragogy and Learning Skills) for Pearson Education in Brazil in 2008, and is currently working on two books (Palgrave McMillan and Emerald Publishing), covering different aspects of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Along his career, he has presented more than 45 articles in peer-reviewed conferences and published more than 40 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. Since 2014, he had 15 papers presented in venues such as Western Academy of Management, ACBSP, and GUIDE (Global Universities in Distance Education) Conferences and had 6 papers published in peer-reviewed journals.

オンラインMBA卒業生の声 ボブ・ギャリティーさん(2010年卒)
アナハイム大学オンラインMBAプログラムの卒業生、ボブ・ギャリティーさんに、本学での経験とその後のキャリアについて伺いました。 – アナハイム大学を選んだ理由は? 父の勧めです。当時授業料が期間限定でディスカウントされていました。良い評判も聞いており、私の忙しいスケジュールにも合っていたので都合が良かったのです。 – MBA の取得を決意した理由は? シリコンバレーの競争で生き残るためには、MBA が必要でした。 – プログラムで一番気に入ったところは? 素晴らしい教授陣です。 – プログラムで一番の思い出は? 教授の一人が私の父の友人で、私が授業中にどんなことをしていたかを話し、父からそれについてよく聞かれたことです。 – オンライン学習という経験についてはいかがでしたか? いつでもどこでも勉強できるので、とても便利でした。 – 学習コミュニティーの一員であると感じましたか? はい。オンラインでの会話や共同作業には大いに刺激を受けました。 – 珍しい場所からアクセスしたことは? ラスベガスへ向かう途中の高速道路脇のスターバックスです。車を止めて授業を受けるためにオンラインにアクセスすることができました。 – オンライン学習に対して疑問を抱いている人にはどんなアドバイスを? とにかくやってみたらと。 – これまでのキャリアについて教えてください。 シリコンバレーのスタートアップで、サプライ・チェーンとオペレーションマネジメントをやっています。その前は医療機器関係のスタートアップ4社で働いていました。MBAのプログラムで成功したり失敗した経験とその分析が役に立っています。 – MBAはどうキャリアに役立ちましたか? 色々なことへのドアを開けてくれると同時に、現在の仕事の基礎となっています。
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