
Anaheim University Holds 2012 Graduation Ceremony


Anaheim University Holds 2012 Graduation Ceremony

Anaheim University held a graduation ceremony for graduates of its online Master of Business Administration, MBA in Global Sustainable Management and Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) on Saturday, July 21, 2012 at the Fullerton Marriott in Orange County, California. AU President Dr. William Hartley, Vice-President of Academic Affairs Dr. David Nunan and TESOL Professor Dr. Ken Beatty conferred degrees to graduates from around the world.

The graduation ceremony was held during Anaheim University’s annual four-day residential session in which AU’s Master of Arts in TESOL students gathered for an intensive workshop led by Anaheim’s recognized TESOL faculty. Dr. David Nunan and Dr. Ken Beatty taught the students on the campus of California State University Fullerton, who co-hosted an open TESOL seminar featuring Anaheim Univeristy’s faculty on Monday, July 23. This was the third joint TESOL seminar held by Anaheim University and California State University Fullerton since 2008.