Month: June 2018

Anaheim University Graduate Interview – Ryan Fujii

1) Why did you choose Anaheim University? I chose Anaheim University for several reasons.  First, I heard about the program through a colleague who did the program a few years back and recommended the program as she had a positive experience.  Second, the program was setup by the well-recognized linguist, Dr. David Nunan, who has written many books on the subject matter.  Third, the program had monthly opportunities to join and I was able to time it to coincide with what I thought would work smoothly into my school year schedule, which it did.  Fourth, I like the idea of being able to study by distance learning but also having the opportunity to study with someone else who can relate to what I was thinking and writing about.  Finally, the cost was very reasonable and I could afford it. 2) Why did you decide to study the Teaching English to Young Learners Certificate Program? I studied the TEYL Certificate program because over the last 21 years in Japan I have worked with young people teaching English and I had already taken the Cambridge CELTA certificate program geared for teaching adults.  So, it seemed natural to take this course in addition to the fact that it was recommended to me by people at Anaheim University since I was working with elementary students already. 3) What did you like best about the program? What I liked best about the program was the integration of the readings from Dr. Nunan’s book, the video/lectures that supported the readings and vice versa, plus having Professor Marie Webb encouragingly responding to what I wrote and giving me further resources/thoughts to consider in my teaching. 4) How was the experience studying online? The online experience was very convenient and well-paced for my fairly busy schedule between Monday and Friday.  The timing of the Thursday and Sunday deadlines for responses, discussions, and taking the quizzes for each unit was very reasonable.  I felt like I could get into the rhythm of the schedule after a few weeks.  The challenge was keeping up during the winter holiday when I fell behind. I was able to fortunately catch up in January with Professor Webb graciously encouraging me in the schedule to slowly but reasonably double up where and when I could, which I was able to do. Fortunately, I finished the course in time as originally scheduled and avoided any extra charges for an extension.  I liked the video resources that supplemented what was being taught to reiterate or introduced new material for consideration, and were typically one hour or less. 5) Did you feel you were part of a learning community? As far as feeling a part of a learning community, I was the only student in my cohort, though once Professor Webb introduced one student from another cohort to contribute to my discussion section.  With that said, I felt very fortunate to have such dedicated attention from Professor Webb in answering the questions or comments I wrote in response to the questions in the book designed by Dr. David Nunan.  With the videos as well, I felt like I was part of a small community of teachers supporting my learning throughout the 15 weeks. 6) Can you tell us briefly about your career? After graduating from the University of Washington in Social Welfare, I furthered my studies at a technical school to learn drafting.  I worked as an after-school daycare worker and Sunday school teacher during that time. After receiving my certificate in drafting, I worked three years at a civil engineering firm in Bellevue, Washington.  Following that, I then worked at a middle school as a math assistant before coming to Japan on the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program, known as the JET Program.  I came to Japan in 1996 and have been here ever since, having experience in public schools in a rural town and city teaching both elementary and junior high school students in the subject of English and cross-cultural exchange.  Further, I worked at a private English conversation school, which was a private elementary/junior high/high school affiliated to a large university in Osaka.  Since then I have worked at four more private schools teaching English to elementary, junior high, and high school students.  I am currently working at a private Christian elementary school and at a couple of YMCA locations where I teach English.  From this May and June, I will begin teaching a business class too, with a company called ECC. I never thought I would be here in Japan for so long, but it has become home for me since I got married in Japan and have two children nearly grown up now.  Thank you for reading this rather long response. It was supposed to be brief. 7) Do you feel the TEYL Certificate will help your career?  I feel the TEYL Certificate will help my career as there were many things I studied that relate to my classroom experiences.  Both the theories of linguistics and practical skills studied are important aspects of the program that was complementary and balanced. 8) Who would you recommend these programs to?  I would recommend this program to anyone teaching young learners English or preparing to teach in any part of the world.  The material is rudimentary and a good foundation to build on for new teachers and a good refresher for those who have taught young learners, but would like to formally study or review linguistic theories and practical techniques. 9) Do you have any advice for new incoming students to the program? In terms of advice, I found it helpful to take notes during the video and stopping when necessary and even backing up several times.  Also, highlighting the book helped me.  I needed a paperback book and ordered a book, though it came during my second week of studies.  If you are like me and need a paperback version to highlight and write in, I would suggest ordering a copy well in

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2018 Anaheim University TESOL Residential Session & MECTokyo

Anaheim University will hold the 2018 TESOL Residential Session from Thursday, August 2nd to Sunday, August 5th, 2018 at the Wesley Center in the Minami Aoyama area of Tokyo, Japan. Anaheim University’s M.A. and Ed.D. in TESOL students from around the world will attend sessions related to “Analyzing Language for Content and Form” led by Anaheim University’s Ed.D. in TESOL Program Designer Dr. Rod Ellis, Ed.D. in TESOL Program Director Dr. Hayo Reinders and TESOL Professor Dr. Jo Mynard. The Master of Arts in TESOL sessions will focus on “Analyzing language for content” while the Doctor of Education in TESOL sessions will focus on “Analyzing learner language” and students from both programs will also gather for group activities. On Saturday, August 4th, 2018, the Multicultural Education Conference in Tokyo (MECTokyo) will be open to the public. Co-organized by Anaheim University, the theme of the presentations will be “English Opening Doors”, covering a range of topics of importance to English language teaching and teaching English to young learners. Plenary presentations will be given by Anaheim University TESOL Professors Dr. Rod Ellis and Dr. David Nunan and experts on Applied Linguistics and TESOL will be featured including Keio University Professor of English Dr. Yuji Nakamura. The keynote presentation will be given by Marin Minamiya, who is a Guinness World Record holder for being the world’s youngest mountain climber to climb the highest peak (including Mt. Everest) on all seven continents as well as reach the North and South Poles. These workshops are part of Anaheim University’s online graduate degree programs in TESOL: Online Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MA in TESOL) Online Doctor of Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Ed.D. in TESOL)   4-Day Residential Schedule Thursday, August 2: 9:00 am to 5:00 pmFriday, August 3: 9:00 am to 5:00 pmSaturday, August 4: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (MECTokyo)Sunday, August 5: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Sat. May 4 MECTokyo Schedule 9:30 am – 10:00 am Dr. Yuji Nakamura: “Two Sides of the Same Coin: Teaching and Testing”10:00 am – 10:50 am Dr. Rod Ellis: “Teacher-Preparation for Task-based Language Teaching”11:00 am – 11:50 am Dr. David Nunan: “Seven Things I Wish I’d Known…”11:50 am – 1:00 pm “Teacher Education and Professional Training” Panel Discussion with Dr. Rod Ellis, Dr. David Nunan, Dr. Yuji Nakamura & Dr. Masahiko Abe. Moderator: Dr. Hayo Reinders 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm “Making an impact in our institutions / the field: the benefits of getting a graduate degree” Student Panel Discussion3:00 pm – 3:20 pm Announcements3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Marin Minamiya: “Reaching for Greater Heights”   1-Day MECTokyo Conference: 1,500 Japanese Yen The fee to attend MECTokyo on Saturday, Aug. 4, 2018 is 1,500 yen.   4-Day TESOL Workshop Registration: $1,200 Note: This fee covers the TESOL workshop commencing on August 2nd and concluding on August 5th and includes attendance at MECTokyo. Click here to register for 4-day TESOL Residential Session Master’s Level: Analyzing Language for Content Topics in this master level TESOL workshop include: Introduction to methods for collecting and analysing language for content Introduction to methods for collecting and analysing language learner data Narrative inquiry for teaching and learning histories The TESOL professional – micro-consultations Teacher and learner autonomy Using visual narratives and other visual tools in research Enhancing your career Preparing for presentations with individual feedback Group poster session presentations of content analysis Group poster session presentations of language analysis   Doctoral Level: Analyzing learner language Topics in this doctoral level TESOL workshop include: Advanced methods for collecting analysing language learner data Advanced methods for collecting and analysing language for content Interaction analysis The TESOL professional – micro-consultations Fluency, accuracy, complexity Learner corpus data and learning analytics Task performance as engagement Preparing for presentations with individual feedback Group poster session presentations of content analysis Group poster session presentations of language analysis   Pre-Requisites Master’s Level Workshop: Participants must hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution. Non-native English speakers must meet the English requirements outlined here. Doctoral Level Workshop: Participants must hold a masters degree in TESOL or Applied Linguistics or a related area of Education from an accredited institution. Non-native English speakers must meet the English requirements outlined here. MecTokyo: No Pre-quesisites Rod Ellis, Ph.D.Anaheim University Doctor of Education in TESOL Program Designer, TESOL Professor Dr. Rod Ellis is a distinguished thought leader in the field of Second Language Acquisition. Prof. Ellis received his Doctorate from the University of London and his Master of Education from the University of Bristol. A former professor at Temple University both in Japan and the US, Prof. Ellis has served as the Director of the Institute of Language Teaching and Learning at the University of Auckland and has taught in numerous positions in England, Japan, the US, Zambia and New Zealand. Dr. Ellis, who is known as an expert in Second Language Acquisition, is author of the Oxford University Press Duke of Edinburgh Award-Winning Classic “The Study of Second Language Acquisition”, as well as numerous student and teacher-training textbooks for Prentice Hall and Oxford University Press, Prof. Ellis’s textbooks on Second Language Acquisition and Grammar are core textbooks in TESOL and Linguistics programs around the world. MECTokyo Sat, Aug. 4 10:00 am – 10:50 am: Teacher-Preparation for Task-based Language TeachingIn this talk I will discuss the various impediments to the implementation of TBLT in state schools in Asia. This provide the basis for arguing the need for well-thought out teacher preparation programmes. Previous evaluation studies of such programmes have pointed to a number of factors that are the key to their success. Drawing on research in teacher education more generally I identify a number of general principles that can guide the design of preparation programmes. Following a discussion of various proposals for the development of teacher preparation programmes for TBLT, I outline an introductory course designed to provide teachers with the concepts and tools needed to implement TBLT in their own classrooms. Finally. I acknowledge some impediments are likely to remain. Policy makers may mandate

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2018年7月2日に開講予定の3つの本学オンラインMBAコースをご紹介します。 本学オンラインMBAプログラム在学生の方はもちろん、外部の方も単科で受講していただけます。 BUS 555 Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics 担当教員:Dr. Craig Mayberry 期間:2018年7月2日〜8月12 ライブ授業:7月14日(土)& 8月4日(土)午前中*(日本時間) (米国太平洋時間前日土曜夕方) BUS 542 International Business Law 担当教員:Dr. Robert Robertson 期間:2018年7月2日〜8月12日 ライブ授業:7月14日(土)& 8月4日(土)午前中*(日本時間) (米国太平洋時間前日土曜夕方) ENT 540 Entrepreneurial Forecasting and Planning 担当教員:Dr. Michael Sutton 期間:2018年7月2日〜8月12日 ライブ授業:7月14日(土)& 8月4日(土)午前中*(日本時間) (米国太平洋時間前日土曜夕方) 課題フォーマット: 世界各地から集うクラスメートとチームを組み、チーム・プロジェクトやディスカッション・フォーラムへの投稿、毎週のペーパー課題の提出、ライブ授業(2回)など。 *ライブ授業のスケジュールは予告なく変更する可能性があります。 **120分授業(60分講義+グループディスカッション60分)

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Anaheim University Graduate Interview – Paul Watson

1) Why did you choose Anaheim University? Basically, because of 5 key reasons: The professional and kind staff Accreditation Researched based and relevant academic programs Competitive cost Practical payment system Its online MBA and DBA Programs are practical, modern and relevant Its Accreditation – nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) Its Professors – all of whom are qualified with terminal degrees and real life practical experiences Its Ongoing Enrollment System – prospective students can start at the beginning of any term Its Accessibility to the Professors – we have access to the Professors’ contact info, who usually have a quick response rate Its Cost – quite reasonable especially compared to other institutions Its many modes of payment – a one-time payment system, per term payment, or pay in installments through a formal promissory agreement. About the Staff- I remember when I was enquiring many years ago about the program and the university. I had many questions, but the administrative personnel were always kind, patient, and informative. I thought that should I choose this university, I would then feel comfortable as there will be professional staff who will be able to assist me anytime. Anaheim’s academic, administrative, and technical staff are all professional. They really serve by the university motto: Student First, Always. 2) Can you tell us briefly about your career? I am a qualified foreign language Instructor. I have a BA in Spanish, a Post Graduate Foreign Language Teachers’ Diploma, an MBA from Anaheim, and presently pursuing my DBA also at Anaheim. I have over 20 years of teaching experience at all age levels, teaching Spanish, French and Maths in Jamaica, and EFL in Japan. My wife and I have been managing a small English Conversation school here in Japan, and I have just been offered a part time EFL lecturing position at a University in Japan. I have been President of many Organizations, including President for Okayama Association of Japanese English Teaching Programme (Okayama AJET) and President of Jamaica Spanish Teachers’ Association. During my tenure in these positions, some of my roles included liaising with different Ministries of Education (Education Officers/Consultants). For example, Jamaica’s Ministry of Education, Okayama Board of Education, diplomats, University lecturers, teachers and students, for the promotion of foreign language education in the respective regions. 3) Why did you choose to earn an MBA? I have been a teacher all my life. I thought that a business qualification would give me more opportunities and marketability. 4) Why did you decide to pursue a DBA? I am interested in academia and teaching at the university level. In addition, I am interested in having and running a business. I thought that pursuing a DBA would give me the choices of being a University Lecturer/Professor, heading an educational institution, managing a private corporation or running my own business. I have even known people who have done all or most of the above in their lifetime, so if the DBA can give me that platform, then why not? 5) What did you like best about the program? First, the research aspect and secondly, the stimulating discussions. Almost every week we have to research and investigate a business topic and turn in a formal report. It’s basically learning by researching and seeking ways to apply the knowledge in the real business world. In addition, our daily student-led online discussions and the Real-time online classes with the Professors provide the opportunities for stimulating discussions with a diversified student population. We can share on various business topics in a respectful manner. The interesting thing is that we can hear different viewpoints from peoples with different cultural, educational, and working backgrounds. This helps to make the leaning process quite engaging. 6) What is your favorite memory from the program? The program is so practical and knowledge based that I was able to a research assignment on an NPO where I worked, and use the knowledge which I learned to implement some changes in the organization. 7) How was the experience studying online? In a nutshell – Superb! Challenging! Engaging! Enlightening! Fulfilling! It can be challenging but overall a wonderful and rewarding experience. I remember the proud moment getting my transcript after finishing the MBA. I felt it was worth it! 8) How do you balance the time required to study while working full-time? It’s very difficult. I am not going to lie. When you have a paper or two to write every week, a 40-hour per week full time job, family, and community commitments, it can be daunting. Many times I wanted to give up, but it takes personal commitment, determinations and family support to finish the program successfully. I have to literally make a conscious decision on a regular basis how much time I have to set aside for my studies. After a while, it becomes a routine. 9) Do you feel you were part of a learning community? Yes, the online discussion board and real-time classes help us students to always present and share our different points of view, whether you choose to do so in a relaxed manner or formal academic register. 10) What was the most unusual location you joined an online class or discussion forum from? At a Wedding Center. I remember once I had a real-time online class, but it clashed with my wedding invitation. I did not worry because the good thing about Anaheim’s system is that I could arrive early at the wedding, sit in my car in the parking lot, log into the system, join the class, participate in the discussion, and afterwards was just in time to participate in the wedding without missing a beat. 11) What would you say to someone who is hesitant about studying online? Yeah, I would understand their feelings. I was hesitant too at first but now I have no regrets. Online studies are convenient, where you have the ability to study while working full time. It’s recognized just the same as classroom style learning. There

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アナハイム大学オンラインTESOL(英語教授法)修士 (Master of Arts in TESOL)・博士課程(Doctor of Education in TESOL)にて2018年8月7日(月)開講予定のコースをご紹介します。 EDU 705 Language Testing 担当教員:Dr. Thom Hudson 期間:2018年5月28日〜7月29日 ライブ授業:毎週金曜午後3時30分〜5時00分(米国太平洋時間) (日本時間毎週土曜午前7時30分〜9時00分) EDU 570 Classroom-Based Evaluation 担当教員:Dr. Thom Hudson 期間:2018年5月28日〜7月29日 ライブ授業:毎週金曜午後3時30分〜5時00分(米国太平洋時間) (日本時間毎週土曜午前7時30分〜9時00分) 担当教員プロフィール Dr. Thom Hudson カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校TESOL修士課程卒業後、博士号 (Ph.D.)を取得 (Applied Linguistics)。ハワイ大学マノア校にて第二言語研究を教える。米国をはじめとしてエジプトやグアテマラ、メキシコ、日本などでの指導経験をもつ。言語テスト(language testing)の研究などで知られる。 詳しいプロフィールはこちらから **授業は外部の方も単科での受講が可能です。詳しくはsupport@anaheim.eduまでお問い合わせください。

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2018年6月14日、アナハイム大学 デビッド・ヌーナンTESOLインスティチュートが設立10周年を迎えました。デビッド・ヌーナン教授は世界的に著名な言語学者であり、本学の15週間のオンラインプログラム、TESOL(英語教授法)サーティフィケートやTEYL(児童英語)サーティフィケート、さらに60週間でTESOLの基礎を固めるUGD(Undergraduate Diploma)プログラムの開発・監修を務めています。英語を教える先生たちの指導力向上につながる、実践的なプログラムをご提供しています。   【デビッド・ヌーナン教授プロフィール】 世界的に著名な言語学者として知られ、アナハイム大学ではデビッド・ヌーナンTESOL研究所のディレクター、さらに1996年に設立・研究科長を務めたアナハイム大学教育学研究科にて現在も指導を続ける。これまでにケンブリッジ大学出版、オックスフォード大学出版、センゲージ出版、ピアーソン出版、など多くの大手出版社から著書を出版し、ベストセラーとなった。特に教科書シリーズ「Go For It」は世界中で累計2.5億部の売上を記録し、教科書シリーズとして世界最大の売上部数を誇る。1996年12月にシドニーで開催されたサミットにおいては、世界で活躍する100名のオーストラリア人のうちの一人として、オーストラリア首相より招聘を受けた。2000年には、北米以外の地域出身者として初めて、世界最大の言語教育学会、TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) の会長に選出された。加えて、香港大学、コロンビア大学、ハワイ大学、モントレー・インスティチュートなど、多くの名門大学での指導経験をもつ。2002年、及び2015年にはオンライン教育を通しての英語教育への貢献に対し、米国下院より表彰を受ける。2003年、ビジネス・レビュー・ウィークリー誌にてアジアで最も影響力のあるオーストラリア人7位、2005年には「影響力のあるオーストラリア人50人」の上位に選出された。2015年、TESOLへの貢献に対し、James E. Alatis賞を受賞。2016年にはTESOL協会が選出した過去50年間でTESOL分野への発展に最も貢献した50名のうちの一人に選ばれた。

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【6月16日(土)】デビッド・ヌーナン教授 Q&Aウェビナー開催

この度、アナハイム大学では6月16日(土)午前10時30分(日本時間)より、デビッド・ヌーナン教授のTESOL(英語教授法)Q&Aウェビナーを開催いたします。本学オンラインTESOLサーティフィケート、TEYL(児童英語教授法)、UGD (Undergraduate Diploma in TESOL)プログラムの在学生ならびに卒業生の方は、ヌーナン教授に直接ご質問いただける貴重な機会ですので、どうぞお気軽にお申し込みください。申し込み方法等、詳しくはは下記からご覧いただけます。 日時:6月15日(金)午後6時30分(米国太平洋時間) (日本時間 6月16日(土)午前10時30分) 対象:本学TESOLサーティフィケート・TEYL・UGDプログラム在学生・卒業生 お申し込み方法:こちらのフォームをお送りください。追ってアクセス情報をお送りさせていただきます。 *このウェビナーではGoToMeetingというカンファレンス用のソフトウェアを使用します。スマートフォン・パソコン・タブレットなどからリンクをクリックしていただくだけで簡単にご参加いただけます。

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アナハイム大学TESOL (英語教授法)夏期集中講義・一般公開セミナーのお知らせ

アナハイム大学では毎年夏に4日間、本学TESOL(英語教授法)修士・博士課程に在籍する学生を対象に、夏期集中講義*(Residential Session)を開催しています。教授陣・学生が世界各地から集い、日頃の学びを深めます。 2018年は8月2日(木)〜5日(日)の4日間、東京都内にて開催予定です。本学からはTESOL博士課程プログラムディレクターのHayo Reinders教授、Rod Ellis教授、David Nunan教授が来日いたします。4日(土)には終日一般公開セミナーを開催予定です(参加登録について、詳しくはsupport@anaheim.eduまでお問い合わせください)。 開催地:東京都内 日程:2018年8月2日(木)〜5日(日)

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Integrated Project Delivery ~ デザインビルド方式とは? Praful Kulkarni氏をゲストに迎えてオンラインセミナーを開催しました

6月1日(金)、本学オンラインビジネスプログラム在学生及び卒業生を対象に、Prafuk Kulkarni氏をゲストに迎え、オンラインセミナーを開催いたしました。 「Integrated Project Delivery」というテーマのもと、設計・施工を一括で発注するデザインビルド方式について約1時間にわたり講演が行われました。 Praful Kulkarni氏 プロフィール: 建設会社gkkworksを設立。CEOを務める。2011年、Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awardを受賞。現在 National Board of Directors for the Design-Build Institute of America の理事。全米各地で講演を行う。また、公民連携でロサンゼルス地域の経済的発展を目指す非営利団体、Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC)の会長を務めた。

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