Month: October 2013

Anaheim University Professors Featured at TESOL Conferences

AU TESOL professors MaryAnn Christison, Denise Murray, David Nunan, Kathleen Bailey and Andy Curtis at California TESOL Conference In October 2013, Anaheim University’s distinguished TESOL Professors served as plenary and featured speakers at conferences around the world. On October 13th, Anaheim University delivered the featured Colloquium at Korea TESOL (KOTESOL)’s 2013 annual conference.  Anaheim University TESOL Professor Dr. Jun Liu, who presented in person in Seoul was joined through live HD webcam by fellow Anaheim professors Dr. Denise Murray and Dr. Andy Curtis. Anaheim University Dean of the Graduate School of Education Dr. Rod Ellis also introduced the presentation by webcam. On October 18th, Anaheim University Doctor of Education in TESOL Director Dr. Hayo Reinders made a live presentation by HD webcam on the use of technology in English language teaching to heads of schools attending the Congreso Nacional de la Ensenanza del Idoma Ingles a Ninos  in Argentina. Anaheim University’s TESOL faculty also gave the Plenary Sessions at both Georgia TESOL (GATESOL) and California TESOL (CATESOL) on October 26. GATESOL featured an in-person presentation by Dr. Jun Liu who was joined by Dr. Andy Curtis who spoke by live HD webcam. At CATESOL, AU TESOL professors Dr. David Nunan, Dr. Denise Murray and Dr. MaryAnn Christison spoke on “Riding the Waves of Online Teaching and Learning“

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