Robert Diotalevi, J.D.
December 28, 2024 2025-01-22 15:32Dr. Robert Diotalevi, Esq., LL.M., is serving in his 17th year as Associate Professor of Legal Studies at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida. He was the founding Legal Studies Program coordinator. He has been a lawyer for 33 years as a member of the Massachusetts and Florida bars. He possesses 4 degrees and has been internationally published with over 80 manuscripts in print. In 2009 Dr. Diotalevi had a book published by Cengage. It is entitled “The Florida Paralegal.” As an academician since 1985 he has instructed over 400 courses. Dr. Diotalevi was a professional broadcaster for 8 years and held managerial positions in radio news and production. Dr. Diotalevi’s works have been published in SMU School of Law’s Computer Law Review and Technology Journal, The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, The Paralegal Educator, The Journal of Paralegal Education and Practice and The National Paralegal Reporter.
- New England School of Law, J.D., Law
- Criminal Law Review; Moot Court Board Director; National Mugel Tax Quarter Finalist
- Washington Institute for Graduate Studies, LL.M., Taxation
Professional Memberships
- Massachusetts Bar (1985-present)
- Florida Bar (2002-present)
- Federal First Circuit District and Appeals Bars (1987-present)
- Federal Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals Bar (2002-present)
- Member, American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE)
- Member, Ethics Board, National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA)
Message from Robert Diotalevi, J.D.
Frederick Douglass was an American abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. He once said, “(to) educate a man is to unfit him to be a slave.” Education allows one to seek out new ventures in the world of careers and in life itself. As Mr. Douglas told us learning grants liberty and power.
I urge all of you to share in the AU experience to better yourselves and our world with your newfound knowledge. You will not regret it.