Brian Tomlinson, Ph.D.

Professor: TESOL

Dr. Brian Tomlinson is a TESOL Professor in the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education. He is considered to be one of the world's leading experts on materials development for language learning. In 1993 he established the world's first MA dedicated to the study of materials development for language learning (at the University of Luton in the UK) and he founded MATSDA (Materials Development Association). He has been Chair and then President of MATSDA ever since 1993 and, as such, he launched the journal Folio and ran (with Hitomi Masuhara) a number of materials writing workshops in the UK and in Botswana, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, the Seychelles, Singapore, Turkey and Vietnam. He has also organised and presented the opening plenary at thirty international MATSDA conferences. In addition he has given plenary presentations on materials development in over sixty countries. His many books on materials development are considered to be the leaders in the field. They include Materials Development in Language Teaching (Cambridge University Press: 1998, 2011), Developing Materials for Language Teaching (Continuum: 2003), English Language Learning Materials: A Critical Review (Continuum: 2008), Research for Materials Development in Language Learning - with Hitomi Masuhara (Continuum: 2010) and Applied Linguistics and Materials Development - with Hitomi Masuhara (Continuum: 2012). He has also just finished a state of the art survey of the literature on materials development published in the Cambridge University Press journal Language Teaching. Dr. Tomlinson has also published books on language teaching methodology (Teaching Secondary English - with Rod Ellis: Longman 1980), on language through literature (Openings: Penguin: 1994) and on language awareness (Discover English - with Rod Bolitho: Macmillan 1995), as well as contributing to textbooks for Bulgaria, for China, for Ethiopia, for Japan, for Malaysia, for Morocco, for Nigeria, for Turkey, for Namibia, for Singapore and for Zambia. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University, and an Advisor for the British Council English Language Advisory Group.

Message from Brian Tomlinson, Ph.D.

I’m delighted to be part of the team of TESOL faculty members here at Anaheim and to be able to share my experience and enthusiasm as both a TESOL practitioner and an applied linguistics academic. I started my career, believe it or not, as a teacher trainer in Nigeria and only after that became a classroom teacher in Liverpool and then in Zambia. I moved on to being a curriculum developer in Zambia and then became a teacher trainer again. I continued as a teacher trainer in the UK and then in Vanuatu before becoming Director of Studies at a college in the UK. Since then I’ve been a university academic in Japan, the UK, Singapore and Oman but I’ve frequently returned to the language classroom as a teacher (for example as an EAP teacher in Oman). Throughout my career I’ve been interested in materials development and I’ve published coursebooks in China, Ethiopia, Japan, Nigeria, Singapore and Zambia, In the last fifteen years though I’ve specialised in publishing books, chapters and articles on materials development and I’ve focused on trying to bring researchers and practitioners together to ensure that the materials that teachers use in the classroom are principled and effective. To support this aim I formed the Materials Development Association (MATSDA) in 1993 and as Chair and now President I’ve been organising conferences and workshops throughout the world to bring together researchers, writers, teachers and publishers.


Publications Books

Academic Books

Forthcoming 2012 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Materials Development. London: Continuum.
2011 Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching. 2nd edition. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.
2010 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. (eds.) Research in Materials Development for Language Teaching: Evidence for Best Practice. London: Continuum.
2008 Tomlinson, B. (ed.)   English Language Teaching Materials London: Continuum.
2007 Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of First and Other Language Learners. London: Continuum.
2004 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. Developing Language Course Materials. Singapore: RELC.
2003 Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: Continuum.
1998 Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.
1979 Ellis, R & Tomlinson, B.  Teaching Secondary English. Harlow: Longman.

Chapters in Academic Books

forthcoming 2012 Tomlinson, B.  Materials development. In C. A. Chapelle (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, England: Wiley-Blackwell.
forthcoming 2012 Tomlinson, B. Materials development. In J. Richards & Burns, A. (eds) The Cambridge Guide to Pedagogy and Practice in Second Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Forthcoming 2011 Tomlinson, B.   ‘Issues in the development and evaluation of textbooks and other learning materials.’ In T. Summer & M. Eisenmann (eds.)  Basic Issues in EFL-Teaching and Learning. Heidelber: Universitatsverlag Winter.
2010 Tomlinson, B. and H. Masuhara. 2010. Published research in materials development. In B. Tomlinson and H. Masuhara (eds.) Research in Materials Development for Language Learning: Evidence for Best Practice. London: Continuum.
2010 Tomlinson, B. ‘Which test of which English and why?’ In A. Kirkpatrick (ed.) Handbook of World Englishes.  London: Routledge, 599-616.
2010 Tomlinson, B. ‘Helping learners to fill the gaps in their learning.’ In F. Mishan and A. Chambers (eds.)  Developing Language Learning Materials to Meet Needs and Wants. Oxford: Peter Lang, 87-108.
2010 Tomlinson, B. ‘Principles and procedures of materials development.’ In N. Harwood (ed.) Materials in ELT: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 81-108.
2010 Tomlinson, B. ‘Teacher development.’ In Diadori, P. TQAC in FLT: Training, Quality and Certification in Foreign Language Teaching. Siena: Mondadori Education, 62-65.
2009 Tomlinson, B. ‘Achieving continuity and change by humanising your coursebook.’ In S. Menon and J. Lourdunathan (eds.), Readings on ELT Materials IV. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia, 81-91.
2009 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. ‘Engaging learners of English through football.’ In V. P. Vasquez and J. A. Lopez (eds.) Aplicaciones Didacticas Para La Ensananza Integreda De Lenguay  Contenidos. Universidad de Cordoba, 75-90.
2009 Tomlinson, B. ‘What do we actually do in English?’ In J. Mukundan (ed.) Readings on ELT Materials. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Longman, 20-41.
2008 Tomlinson, B. ‘Language acquisition and language learning materials.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) English Language Teaching Materials. London: Continuum, 3-14.
2008 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. ‘Materials used in the UK.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) English Language Teaching Materials. London: Continuum, 159-178.
2008 Masuhara, H. and Tomlinson, B. 2008. ‘General English materials.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) English Language Teaching Materials. London: Continuum, 17-37.
2008 Tomlinson, B. ‘What do we actually do in English?’ In J. Mukundan (ed.), Readings on ELT Materials III. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia, 20-41.
2007 Tomlinson, B. ‘Teachers’ responses to form-focused discovery approaches.’ In Fotos, S. and Nassaji, H. (eds.) Form Focused Instruction and Teacher Education: Studies in Honour of Rod Ellis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 179-194.
2007 Tomlinson, B. ‘Act English: Teaching English Through Drama.’ MICELT Conference Proceedings 2006. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia.
2007 Tomlinson, B. ‘First and other language acquisition: similarities and differences.’ In B.Tomlinson (ed.) Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of First and Other Language Learners. London: Continuum, 1-12.
2007 Tomlinson, B. and Avila, J. ‘Seeing and saying for yourself: The roles of audio-visual mental aids in language learning and use.’ In B.Tomlinson (ed.) Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of First and Other Language Learners. London: Continuum, 61-81.
2007 Tomlinson, B. and Avila, J. ‘Applications of the research into the roles of audio-visual mental aids for language teaching pedagogy.’ In B.Tomlinson (ed.) Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of First and Other Language Learners. London: Continuum, 82-89.
2007 Tomlinson, B. ‘The value of recasting in meaning focussed activities.’ In B.Tomlinson (ed.) Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of First and Other Language Learners. London: Continuum, 141-161.
2006 Tomlinson, B.  ‘A multi-dimensional approach to teaching English for the World.’ In R. Rubdy and M. Saraceni (eds.) English in the World: Global Rules, Global Roles. London: Continuum, 130-150.
2005 Tomlinson, B. ‘Suiting EFL methodologies to social contexts.’ In E. Hinkel (ed.) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 137-153.
2005  Tomlinson, B. ‘Localising the global: Matching materials to the context of learning.’ In J. Mukundan (ed.), Readings on ELT Materials II. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia, 1-16.
2005 Tomlinson, B. ‘The text driven approach.’ In J. Mukundan (ed.) Readings on ELT Materials II. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia, 84-101.
2005 Tomlinson, B. ‘Developing classroom materials for teaching to learn.’ In J.Mukundan (ed.) Focus on ELT Materials. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia, 77-82.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Humanising the coursebook.’ In W. A. Renandya (ed.) Methodology and Materials Design in Language Teaching: Current Perceptions and Practices and their Implications. Singapore: RELC, 12-29.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Materials evaluation.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: Continuum, 15-36.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Frameworks for materials development.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: Continuum, 107-129.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Materials development courses.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: Continuum, 445-461.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Humanising the coursebook.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: Continuum, 162-173.
2003 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. ‘Using simulations on materials development courses.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: Continuum, 462-478.
2003 Hill, D. and Tomlinson, B. ‘Materials for listening.’ In B. Tomlinson (ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: Continuum, 364-374.
2001 Tomlinson, B. & Masuhara, H. ‘Materials for developing language in the mind.’ A. Pulverness (ed.) IATEFL Dublin Conference Selections. Whitstable, Kent: IATEFL.
2001 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Creating from the inner voice.’ The AILA ’99 Tokyo Publication (on CD ROM).
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘Materials development.’ In R. Carter and D. Nunan (eds.) The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 66-72.
2000 Tomlinson, B. ‘Combining language, literature and culture in the mind.’ In S. H. Chan, A. Q. Mohammed & T. Rosli, (eds.) Diverse Voices: Readings in Language, Literature and Culture. Serdang: Penerbit UPM, 46-55.
1998 Tomlinson, B. ‘Access-Self materials’. In B. Tomlinson. (ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 320-336.
1998 Tomlinson, B. ‘Seeing what they mean’. In B. Tomlinson, (ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 265-78.
1996 Tomlinson, B. ‘Language skills through literature’. In D. Hill. (ed.) Teaching Literature. Milan: British Council Italy, 35-39.
1995 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. ‘Helping them to activate their English.’ In D. Hill. (ed.) Bologna 1994 English Language Teaching. Milan: British Council Italy, 113-117.
1995 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Helping L2 readers to see.’ In T. Hickey and J. Williams. Language, Education and Society in a Changing World. Clevedon, Avon: Multilingual Matters, 253-62.
1992 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Learning around the world.’ In Comparative Education. Kobe: Kobe University Press, 235-53.
1988 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Conflicts in TEFL, reasons for failure in secondary schools.’ In V. Bickley. (ed.) Language in Education in a Bi-Lingual or Multi-Lingual Setting. Institute of Education, Education Department, Hong Kong, 103-110.
1987 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Choices in CELT.’ In V. Bickley. (ed.) Re-Exploring Celt.  Continuing Education for Language Teachers. Institute of Education, Education Department, Hong Kong, 33-43.
1984 Tomlinson, B. 1984. ‘The role of literature in a communicative approach.’ In M. Dejuan Espinet, J. M. Garcia-Temprano, R. Pujol and R. Ribe. Acquiring a Foreign Language in the Classroom. Barcelona: Universitad Autonoma de Barcelona, 27-40.
1984 Tomlinson, B. ‘The acquisition of vocabulary. In M. Dejuan Espinet, J. M. Garcia-Temprano, R. Pujol and R. Ribe.(eds.) Acquiring a Foreign Language in the Classroom. Barcelona: Universitad Autonoma de Barcelona, 41-58.
1984 Tomlinson, B. ‘The teaching of grammar in a communicative approach.’  In M. Dejuan Espinet, J. M. Garcia-Temprano, R. Pujol and R. Ribe.   Acquiring a Foreign Language in the Classroom. Barcelona: Universitad Autonoma de Barcelona, 27-40.
1984 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Glossary of ELT Terms.’ In A. Cunningsworth.     Evaluating and Selecting EFL Teaching Material. Oxford: Heinemann, 80-102.


Forthcoming 2012 Tomlinson, B., Masuhara, H., Russell, S. and Skeldon, P. Score with English: An English Through Football Activity Course. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Malaysia.
2004-2006 Tomlinson, B. and Maley, M. Series Editors. World Wide Readers. e-books World.
2004 Tomlinson, B. ‘Finders Keepers.’ In  B. Tomlinson and A. Maley (eds.) World Wide Readers. e-books World.
2002 Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Improve Your English 2 Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa.
2003 Tomlinson, B (ed.) Life Accents 4. Singapore:Times/Media
2003 Tomlinson, B., Buchanan, H., Islam, C. and Masuhara, H. Success with English. Books 1-8. Guangzhou Education Bureau.
2002 Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Improve Your English 1. Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa.
2002 Tomlinson, B., Hill, D. Masuhara, H. and Pew Ying, L. English for Life 2. Singapore: Times/Federal.
2001 Tomlinson, B., Hill, D. and Masuhara, H. English for Life 1. Singapore: Times/Federal.
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘They Came from the Sea’ and ‘Newspaper Hockey’. In Watcyn-Jones, P. (ed.) Top Class Activities 2. London: Penguin.
2000 Tomlinson, B. ‘Naturally’. English for Life: Extensive Readers on the Web. Singapore: Times/Federal
2000 Tomlinson, B. (ed.) English for Life: Extensive Readers on the Web. Singapore: Times/Federal.
1999 Tomlinson, B. Superbird. Cambridge Readers Level 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1997 Tomlinson, B.  ‘One word poems’. In Watcyn-Jones, P. (ed.) Top Class Activities, 79. London: Penguin.
1995 Bolitho, R. and Tomlinson, B.  Discover English (New Edition). Oxford:  Heinemann.
1994 Tomlinson, B. Openings. Language Through Literature: An Activities Book (New Edition).  London: Penguin.
1994 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H.  Use Your English. Tokyo: Asahi  Press.
1988 Tomlinson, B. & Ellis, R.  Reading Advanced. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1987 Tomlinson, B. & Ellis, R.  Reading Upper Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1987 Ellis, R. & Tomlinson, B.  Speaking Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1986 Tomlinson, B.  Openings.  London: Lingual House.
1981 Tomlinson, B. (ed.)  Talking To Learn.  Port Vila: Govt.  of Vanuatu.
1981 Tomlinson, B.  “O” Level Summary and Composition. Harlow:  Longman.
1980 Bolitho, R & Tomlinson B.  Discover English. London: George Allen and Unwin (now Macmillan).
1973 Tomlinson, B.  A Situational Composition and Summary Course. Lusaka NECZAM Zambia.
1973-74 Ellis, R & Tomlinson, B.  English Through Situations. Harlow: Longman.  Books 1, 2 and 3.


Internationally Refereed Journals
Forthcoming 2012 Tomlinson, B. ‘Materials development.’ Language Teaching: Surveys and Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2010 Tomlinson, B. Principles and procedures for self-access materials. Studies in Self-Access Learning. 1(2).
2010 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. ‘Playing to learn: How physical games can contribute to second language acquisition.’ Simulation and Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research. Anniversary Issue.
2008 Tomlinson, B, ‘Currents of change in syllabus design and materials development.’ ILI Language Teaching Journal. 4/1, 19-26.
2008 Masuhara, H., Haan, M., Yi, Y. and Tomlinson, B. ‘Adult EFL courses.’ ELT Journal. 62/3, 294-312.
2005 Tomlinson, B. ‘Testing to learn.’ ELT Journal. 59/1, 39-46.
2004 Tomlinson, B. and Dat, B. ‘The contributions of Vietnamese learners of English to ELT methodology.’ Language Teaching Research. 8/2, 199-222.
2003 Bolitho, R., Carter, R., Hughes, R.,  Ivanic, R., Masuhara, H. and Tomlinson, B. ‘Ten questions about language awareness.’ ELT Journal. Vol. 57/2, 251-259.
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘Connecting the mind: a multi-dimensional approach to teaching language through literature.’ The English Teacher. Vol. 4/2, 104-115
2001 Tomlinson, B. (Guest Editor) Language in the Mind. Special Issue. The English Teacher. Vol. 4/3.
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘Beginning to read forever.’ Reading in a Foreign Language. Vol.13/1, 523-538.
2001 Tomlinson, B., Dat, B., Masuhara, H. and Rubdy, R. ‘EFL courses for adults.’ ELT Journal. Vol. 55/1, 80-101.
2000 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. ‘Using simulations on materials development courses.’ Simulation and Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research. Vol. 31/2, 152-168.
2000 Tomlinson, B. ‘Talking to yourself: the role of the inner voice in language learning.’ Applied Language Learning.  Vol. 11/1, 123-154.
1998 Tomlinson, B. ‘Letter to the Editor.’ Reading in a Foreign Language. Vol. 12/1, 299.
1998 Tomlinson, B. ‘And now for something not completely different: an approach to language through literature.’ Reading in a Foreign Language. Vol. 11/2, 177-89.
1998 Tomlinson, B. ‘Review of Willis, J. A Framework for Task-Based Learning.’ ELT Journal Vol. 52/2 257-259.
1995 Tomlinson, B. ‘Review of Dufeu, B. Teaching Myself.’ ELT Journal. Vol. 49/4, 352-354.
1994 Tomlinson, B. ‘Pragmatic awareness activities.’ Language Awareness.  Vol. 3: 2 & 4, 119-29. Clevedon, Avon: Multilingual Matters.
1991 Tomlinson, B. ‘Survey: vocabulary practice books.’ ELT Journal 45/2.
1990 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Managing change in Indonesian high schools.’  ELT Journal Vol. 44/1, 25-37.
1986 Tomlinson, B. ‘Review of Poem into Poem (Maley, A. and Moulding, S.)’ ELT Journal. Vol. 40/3, 252-253.
1986 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Using poetry in mixed ability classes.’  ELT Journal. Vol. 40/1, 33-41.
1983 Tomlinson, B. ‘An approach to the teaching of continuous writing in ESL situations.’ ELT Journal. Vol. 37/1, 7-15.
1982 Tomlinson, B. ‘Letter in response to Ellis, R. Informal and formal approaches to communicative language teaching.’ ELT Journal. Vol. 36/4, 283.

Locally Refereed Journals

2011 Avila, J. and B. Tomlinson. WEB 2.0.: A vehicle for humanising FLL. Anglistik.  International Journal of English Studies.  Volume 22/1.
2010 Tomlinson, B. ‘Principles and procedures for self-access materials.’ SiSAL Journal (Studies in Self-Access Learning) 1:2.  (
2007 Tomlinson, B. ‘Connecting the coursebook.’ TESOL Essential Teacher. June.
2006 Tomlinson, B. ‘Humanising the coursebook.’ Language Teaching Journal. 2/2, 69-82. Iran Language Institute.
2005 Tomlinson, B. ‘The future of ELT materials in Asia.’ Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (e-FLT), December.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Humanising the classroom.’ RELC Guidelines. 25/2, 4-9.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘The role of the inner voice in language learning: A personal view.’ RELC Journal. 178-194.
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘The Inner Voice: A Critical Factor in Language Learning.’ Journal of the Imagination in L2 Learning. Vol. VI, 26-33.
2000 Tomlinson, B. ‘A multi-dimensional approach.’ The Language Teacher. Vol. 24/7, 1-6.

2000 Tomlinson, B. ‘Materials for cultural awareness: combining language, literature and culture in the mind.’ The Language Teacher. Vol. 24/2, 19-21.

Other Journals

2011 Tomlinson, B. ‘Principles and Procedures of Materials Development for Language Learning. Part 2.Folio 14/2, 3-6.
2010 Tomlinson, B. ‘Principles and Procedures of Materials Development for Language Learning. Part 1.Folio 14/1, 3-6.
2010 Tomlinson, B. ‘ESP? Method or myth? Field or fallacy?’ The ETAS Journal 27/3, 11-12.
2008 Tomlinson, B. ‘Humanising an EAP coursebook.’ Humanising Language Teaching.
2008 Tomlinson, B. ‘The good language teacher’. Folio 12/2, 20-23.
2006 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Teaching EAP.’ EL Gazette, January.
2006 Tomlinson, B. ‘Helping teachers to resource themselves.’ TESOL E-Publication.
2005 Tomlinson, B. ‘Localising the global.’ EL Gazette. April.
2005 Tomlinson, B. and Maley, A. ‘World wide readers.’ Humanising Language Teaching
2004 Tomlinson, B. ‘Which English do you want?’ The Guardian Weekly, September 17th .
2004 Tomlinson, B. ‘Ways to change.’ FOLIO 8/1.
2004 Tomlinson, B. and Masuhara, H. ‘Developing cultural awareness.’ Modern English Teacher.13/1, 5-11.
2003 Tomlinson, B. Developing materials to develop yourself. Humanising Language Teaching. Year 5, Issue 4, July 03.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Familiarity breeds dreary content.’ The Guardian Weekly. Learning English February 20-26, 7.
2003 Tomlinson, B. ‘Storybooks as coursebooks.’ FOLIO 7/1.
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘Humanising the coursebook.’ FAAPI Conference 2001. Buenos Aires: British Council.
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘Humanising the coursebook.’ Humanising Language Teaching. Year 3. Issue 5. September 2001.
2001 Tomlinson,B. ‘Teaching materials evaluation’. The Information. BIELT.
2001 Tomlinson, B. ‘Seeing more between the lines.’ The Guardian Weekly, Learning English June 21-27, 5.
1999 Tomlinson, B. ‘Adding Affect to ESP (English for Special People).’ ESP SIG Newsletter 15, 26-34.
1999 Tomlinson, B. ‘What do you think? Issues in materials development.’  FOLIO. Vol. 5/2, 3-4.
1999 Tomlinson, B. ‘Developing criteria for materials evaluation.’ IATEFL Issues. 147, 10-13.
1999 Tomlinson, B. ‘Materials development for language teachers.’ Modern  English Teacher. Vol. 8/1, 62-64.
1999 Tomlinson, B. ‘New directions in materials development: a personal view.’ Zielsprache Englisch. March.
1998 Tomlinson, B. ‘Affect and the coursebook.’ IATEFL Issues.145, 20-21.
1997 Tomlinson, B. ‘The future perfect.’ FOLIO Vol. 4/1, 3.
1997 Tomlinson, B. ‘A question of grammar.’ FOLIO Vol. 3/2, 8-10
1996 Tomlinson, B. ‘Choices.’ FOLIO Vol. 3/1, 20-24.
1996 Tomlinson, B. ‘New directions in materials development.’ Arena 11, 24-25.
1996 Tomlinson, B. ‘Using poems.’ PELLTA, 4-8.
1995 Tomlinson, B. ‘Work in progress.’ FOLIO Vol. 2/2, 26-30.
1995 Tomlinson, B. ‘Dialogues.  What are they for?’ FOLIO Vol. 2/1, 26-30.
1994 Tomlinson, B.  ‘True stories.’ EFL Gazette. November.
1994 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Creative English.’  Penguin English News.
1994 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Testing to learn’.  GRETA Vol. 1/2, 11-15.
1994 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Materials for TPR.’  FOLIO Vol. 1/2, 8-10.
1994 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Access-Self materials.’  FOLIO Vol. 1/1, 8-9.
1993 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Why teach English to university students in Japan/ A personal view.’  Newsletter for Teachers of Japanese Students. 2, 7-9.
1991 Tomlinson, B.  ‘English Education in Japanese Universities.’  Kobe Miscellany, 85-104. Kobe: University of Kobe Press.
1988 Tomlinson, B. ‘The PKG project in Indonesia.’ The Teacher Trainer. Vol. 2/3, 23-24.
1988 Tomlinson, B.  ‘In-Service TEFL, Is it worth the risk?’ The Teacher Trainer. Vol. 2/2, 17-19.
1987 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Good friends.’  Modern English Teacher.  Vol. 15/1, 29-32.
1986 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Some factors contributing to progress at intermediate level: A report on an action research project.’  Academic Developments, The Bell Educational Trust. April.
1985 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Literature in EFL.  What to use and how to use it.’  EFL Gazette. March.
1981 Tomlinson, B.  ‘The teaching of English in Vanuatu.’  The South Pacific Conference on English Teaching, University of the South Pacific, Fiji.
1978 Tomlinson, B. ‘Second language acquisition and the teacher.’ The Bell. 1/1, 14-22. Cambridge: The Bell Educational Trust.
1977 Tomlinson, B.  ‘The testing of structure.’  ETAZ Journal.
1977 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Remedial English teaching.’  ETAZ Journal.
1976 Tomlinson, B.  ‘Teaching points.’  English Newsletter, Zambia.
1972 Tomlinson, B.  ‘From classroom to office’. Overseas Challenge.
1971 Tomlinson, B.  ‘English crash course.’  Zambia Educational Journal.