Kisho Kurokawa on Anaheim University

“I think one of the most unique aspects of Anaheim University is that it has an online campus as opposed to a physical campus. I think that this is essential for maintaining an economic balance, especially in Japan as the price of land is so high. Universities that build beautiful campuses must charge high tuition fees, and this can be highly detrimental to a family. Trying to send two children to university can cause a family to become financially bankrupt. The only way for a family to afford sending their children to university is to obtain a loan, but a loan is a loan – it must be paid back in the future. So, in order to offer educational opportunities, a university must reduce the cost of maintaining a campus, thereby allowing money to be spent on quality education. Therefore, a university without a campus is the perfect solution to the problem of offering affordable education of the highest quality. Another reason why Anaheim University is headed in the right direction is that its mode of education aids in the development of global standards, such that there is a common qualification or certification around the world for such professions as lawyers, architects, engineers, doctors, teachers, etc. As you know, each country has its own education system, which makes it extremely difficult to devise a common qualification. If all educational institutions use the Internet or multimedia, then a global standard of quality can be attained. In this sense, Anaheim University is strategically headed in a positive direction for the future.”

Kisho Kurokawa
September 1999