Thom Hudson, Ph.D.

Professor: TESOL

Dr. Thom Hudson is a TESOL Professor in the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education. He received his BS degree in sociology from the University of California at Berkeley, and his MA degree in TESOL and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of California at Los Angeles. Dr. Hudson is professor of Second Language Studies (SLS) at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, and co-editor of the electronic journal Reading in a Foreign Language. He has been on the Department of SLS faculty at UHM since 1989. Prior to coming to Hawai’i, he taught three years in Cairo, Egypt, numerous years in the U.S., directed a reading English for science and technology project for two years in Guadalajara, Mexico, and since coming to Hawai’i has spent a sabbatical year teaching in Japan. He was the Director of the English Language Institute at the University of Hawai’i for three years. He was also Co-Principal Investigator of a grant entitled “Expanding English Language Capacity in Vietnam” for three years from 2003-2006, and made several teacher training visits to Vietnam during that time. He was the Graduate Chair of the Department of Second Language Studies from August 2006 until the end of July 2012.

Dr. Hudson’s research has concentrated on second language reading, second language testing, language for specific purposes, program development, and quantitative research methods. He has had a long term interest in criterion-referenced language testing and task based language testing in particular. His research has appeared in the journals Language Learning, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, TESOL Quarterly, Language Testing, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, and Language and Communication. He is author of the text Reading in a Second Language, published in 2007 by Oxford University Press. He co-authored Developing Prototypic Measures of Cross-Cultural Pragmatics, with E. Detmer & J.D. Brown, Designing Second Language Performance Assessments, with J. Norris, JD Brown, and J. Yoshioka, and An Investigation of Second Language Task-Based Performance Assessments, with JD Brown, J. Norris, and W. Bonk, and Criterion-Referenced Language Testing, with JD Brown. Additionally, he co-edited A Focus on Language Test Development with JD Brown. He also has chapters in several books. He is currently completing a textbook manuscript for quantitative research methods with the tentative title Research Design and Analysis in Applied Linguistics.

Welcome to the Ed.D. program at Anaheim University. TESOL is an exciting field, one that is constantly changing in its academic focus. I look forward to working with you in your academic areas of interest, particularly language testing and quantitative research. My research has focused on quantitative approaches to the study of language learning and use. One of my more recent interests has been in the area of standards based assessment and the personal and social consequences the implementation/imposition of those standards.



  • Hudson, T. (In preparation). Research design and analysis in applied linguistics.
  • Hudson, T. (2007). Teaching second language reading. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hudson, T., & Clark, M. (2007). Case studies in foreign language placement: Practices and possibilities. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, National Foreign Language Resource Center.
  • Brown, J. D. & Hudson, T. (2002) Criterion-referenced language testing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Brown, J.D., Hudson, T., Norris, J., & Bonk, W.J. (2002). An investigation of second language task-based performance assessments. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center. University of Hawai’i Press
  • Hudson, T. & Brown, J.D. ( 2001) (Eds.) A focus on language test development: expanding the language proficiency construct across a variety of tests. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center. University of Hawai’i Press
  • Brown, J. D., Hudson, T., & Kim, Y. (2001). Developing Korean language performance assessments.(Research Note #27). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i. Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.
  • Brown, J.D., Hudson, T., Norris, J.M., & Bonk, W. (2002). Investigating second language performance assessments. Honolulu: Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center. University of Hawai’i at Manoa. University of Hawai’i Press.
  • Norris, J., Brown, J. D., Hudson, T. & Yoshioka, J. (1998). Designing Second Language Performance Assessments. Honolulu: Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center. University of Hawai’i at Manoa. University of Hawai’i Press.
  • Hudson, T., Detmer, E. and Brown, J.D. (1995). Developing prototypic measures of cross cultural pragmatics. Honolulu: Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center. University of Hawai’i at Manoa. University of Hawai’i Press.


  • Hudson, T. (In preparation). Essentials of quantitative research for classroom teachers. In Brown, J.D. & Coombe, C. (Eds.) The Cambridge Guide to Language Research.
  • Hudson, T. (In preparation). Presenting quantitative data visually. In L. Plonsky (Ed). Advancing Quantitative Methods in Second Language Research
  • Hudson, T. (2014). Overview of standards-based language assessment for English learners. TESOL Quarterly. Special Issue, “K-12 Standards-Based Educational Reform: Implications for Immigrant and Indigenous English Language Learner Populations.” 48(3)588-595.
  • Hudson, T. (2013). Criterion-referenced approach to language assessment. In Kunnan, A. (Ed.). The Companion to Language Assessment. New York: Routledge. 561-577.
  • Hudson, T.(2012). Chapter 33: Standards-based testing. In Fulcher, G. & Davidson, Routledge Handbook of Language Testing. New York: Routledge. 479-494.
  • Hudson, T. (2013). Correlational Research in Language Assessment. In. C. Chapelle (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
  • Hudson, T. (2005). Current trends in assessment scales and criterion-referenced language assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. Volume 25.
  • Norris, J.M., Brown, J.D., Hudson, T.D., & Bonk, W. (2002). Examinee abilities and task difficulty in task-based second language performance assessment. Language Testing. 19, 395-418.
  • Hudson, T. (2001). Indicators for cross-cultural pragmatic instruction: some quantitative tools. Rose, K. & Kasper, G. Pragmatics in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hudson, T. (2001). Self-assessment methods in cross-cultural pragmatics. In Hudson, T. & Brown, J.D. (Eds.) A focus on language test development: expanding the language proficiency construct across a variety of tests. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center. 57-74.
  • Hudson, T. (1998). Theoretical perspectives on reading. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics: XVIII. 43 60.
  • Brown, J. D., & Hudson, T. (1998). Alternatives in language assessment. TESOL Quarterly. 32:653 675
  • Hudson, T. (1993). Nothing does not equal zero: Problems with applying developmental sequence findings to assessment and pedagogy. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 15:461 493.
  • Hudson, T. (1993). Surrogate indices for item information functions in criterion referenced language testing. Language Testing.10, 2:171 191.
  • Hudson, T. (1993). Testing the specificity of ESP reading skills. In Douglas, D. and Chapelle, C. A New Decade of Language Testing Research. Washington, D.C.: TESOL. 58 82.
  • Hudson, T. (1991). Relationships among IRT item discrimination and item fit indices in criterion referenced language testing. Language Testing. 8,2:160 181.
  • Lynch, B.K. and Hudson, T. (1991). EST Reading. In Celce Murcia, M. (Ed.) Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 2nd edition. Rowley, Mass. Newbury House. 216 232.
  • Hudson, T. (1991). A content comprehension approach to reading English for science and technology. TESOL Quarterly. 25,1: 77 104.
  • Hudson, T. (1990) The discourse of advice giving in English. Language and Communication. Vol. 10,4: 285 297.
  • Hudson, T. (1989) Mastery decisions in program evaluation. In Johnson, R.K. (Ed.) The Second Language Curriculum. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 259 269.
  • Davidson, F., Hudson, T. and Lynch, B. (1985) Language Testing: Operationalization in Classroom Measurement and L2 Research. In Celce Murcia, M. (Ed.) Beyond Basics in TESOL: Issues and Research in Language Teaching. Rowley, Mass. Newbury House. 137 152.
    Henning, G. Hudson, T. and Turner, J. (1985) Item response theory and the assumption of unidimensionality for language tests. Language Testing. 2,2:141 154.
  • Hudson, T. and Lynch, B. (1984). A criterion referenced measurement approach to ESL achievement testing. Language Testing. 1,2: 171 201.
  • Hudson, T. (1982). The effects of induced schemata on the ‘short circuit’ in L2 reading: non decoding factors in L2 reading performance. Language Learning. 32,1:1 31. (Reprinted in Carrell, P., Devine, J., Eskey, D. (Eds) (1988) Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.)