Vivian Bussinguer-Khavari, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor: TESOL

Dr. Vivian Bussinguer-Khavari is a TESOL Assistant Professor in the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education. Originally from Brasilia, Brazil, she was raised bilingually, acquiring both Portuguese and English simultaneously, while attending an international school from age 3 to 18. Upon high school completion, she was granted a full scholarship by the Japanese government, offered directly by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. She took up the challenge of studying in a brand-new environment and pursued higher education in Japan. After studying the Japanese language for one year at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, she was admitted into Kobe University, where she remained for both the undergraduate and graduate programs, completing her bachelor's degree in Communication Studies, and eventually her master's and doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics. From a very young age, she has experienced multicultural and multilingual settings and has built an interest and passion for both multiculturalism and multilingualism. She has conducted research in the field of Heritage Language Education (HLE), studying Nikkei-Brazilian immigrant families in Japan, investigating their school-aged children's linguistic development in the L1 (Portuguese) and the L2 (Japanese), as well as the parents' attitudes towards their children's language learning. Other than HLE, her research interests include TESOL, intercultural communication, Performance-Assisted Learning (PAL), Performance in Education (PIE), and immigrant language education. She is an active member of the Japan Association for Language Teachers (JALT), having been the coordinator for their Speech, Drama and Debate (SD&D) Special Interest Group (SIG), now renamed to the Performance in Education (PIE) SIG, for four years and currently serving as their program chair. She continues to reside in Japan, where she has been teaching at the university level for the past decade, and is currently an associate professor at Kwansei Gakuin University as well as a lecturer at Kobe University.


Articles in refereed journals

Head, P., Kluge, D., Lyons, C., Rees, G., White, J., & Bussinguer-Khavari, V. (2018). Performance-assisted learning: Enabling students to thrive and jive. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & P. Bennett (Eds.), Language teaching in a global age: Shaping the classroom, shaping the world. Tokyo: JALT, pp. 233-240.

Bussinguer-Khavari, V., Carpenter, J., Kluge, D., Kobayashi, D. (2015). JOESC review: An online speech contest: What, how and who. The Mask and Gavel, 4, 48-61

Bussinguer-Khavari, V. (2011). Immigrant parents’ attitudes toward children’s bilingual development: The case of Brazilians in Japan. Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism, 17, 1-29.

Bussinguer, V., & Tanaka, J. (2010). Mainoriti jidou no bairiterashii sokutei no kokoromi: Hi shuujyuuchiku ni ijyuu suru burajirujin jidou wo taishou ni. [Measuring minority students’ biliteracy: A study with Brazilian minority students in non-ghetto areas.] Studies in Mother Tongue, Heritage Language, and Bilingual Education, 6, 23-41.

Greer, T., Bussinguer, V., Butterfield, J., & Mischinger, A. (2009). Receipt Through Repetition. Japan Association for English Teaching (JALT) Journal, 31 (1), 5-34.

Bussinguer, V. (2008). Self- and other-initiated repair frequency among elementary school L2 English learners. Intercultural Studies Review, Kobe University, 18, 87-102.

Greer, T., Usui, Y. Kato, T., Taniguchi, H., & Bussinguer S. Andrade, V. (2005). Suppressing laughter in the display of (dis)affiliation. Journal of School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University, 2, 27-42.