au-news-tesollogoThe International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF) Trustees and Anaheim University TESOL Professors Dr. Kathleen Bailey, Dr. Denise Murray and Dr. MaryAnn Christison will present "A Case for Online Language Teacher Education" at the TESOL 2013 International Convention in Dallas, Texas on March 21, 2013. This presentation highlights case reports on 18 organizations that offer online professional development opportunities for teachers.

au-news-nunanbabesAnaheim University Graduate School of Education Dean Dr. David Nunan presents "Out of the Mouths of Babes" on March 23 at the TESOL 2013 Convention in Dallas, Texas. Learner-centered instruction places learners at the heart of the instructional process, and decisions about content, process, and outcomes are based on data by and from learners. In this talk Dr. Nunan will look at how instructional decisions for young learners can be informed by their stories about life and learning.

au-news-ellis copyAnaheim University Graduate School of Education TESOL Chair Dr. Rod Ellis will join a colloquium entitled "SLA The Contribution of Meta-Analysis to Second Language Acquisition Research and Theory" at the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2013 Annual Conference on March 16, 2013 in Dallas, Texas. During the colloquium, Dr. Ellis will present on "A Critical Look at Meta-Analysis in SLA". This colloquium demonstrates the contribution of meta-analysis to SLA.