
The Anaheim University David Nunan TESOL Institute offers a cutting-edge online Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) program. The online TEYL certification program is designed for teachers, teachers in preparation or intending teachers of children and adolescents. It offers a practical introduction to English Language Teaching for children and links practice to theory and research.

Get Started Today : Apply today and get started on your Online TEYL Certificate program within 2 weeks.

Earn your Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) while holding down a full-time job.

  • 15 week online course
  • 15 weeks x 9 hours per week = 135 hour course

The program offers students the opportunity of developing a solid pedagogical foundation towards teaching English to children through instruction in the following areas:

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  • Who is the "young learner?"
  • First and Second Language Acquisition
  • Methods and Approaches in Language Teaching
  • Teaching Listening
  • Teaching Speaking
  • Teaching Reading
  • Teaching Writing
  • Teaching Vocabulary
  • Teaching Grammar
  • Teaching Pronunciation
  • Learning Styles and Strategies
  • The Affective Domain
  • Working with Parents
  • Classroom Management
  • Resources and Technology Support for Language Learning
  • Assessment and evaluation

Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) Certificate Program Textbook

Teaching English to Young Learners Textbook by David Nunan

Author: David Nunan
Publisher: Anaheim University Press
Published: 2010
ISBN-10: 0615401023
ISBN-13: 780615401027


The aim of Teaching English to Young Learners is to provide you with knowledge and skills for teaching English as a second or foreign language to young learners. The book consists of sixteen chapters. Each chapter includes a statement of specific learning outcomes, references and further reading, and addresses a key aspect of TEYL, including: who is the “young learner”, first language acquisition, methods and approaches in language teaching, teaching listening, teaching speaking, teaching reading, teaching writing, teaching vocabulary, teaching grammar, teaching pronunciation, learning styles and strategies, the affective domain: motivation, reticence and anxiety, working with parents, resources and technology support for language learning, classroom management, and assessment and evaluation

Buy the Book for Teaching English to Young Learners by David Nunan at Amazon.com

For large order discounts, please contact the publisher, Anaheim University Press

David Nunan, Ph.D

Director, David Nunan TESOL Institute

David Nunan, Ph.D.

Master of Arts in TESOL Designer 
Senior Professor: TESOL

Dr. David Nunan is the Director of the Anaheim University David Nunan TESOL Institute and Senior Professor of TESOL for the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education. He was the founding Dean of the Anaheim University Graduate School of Education and previously served as President of Anaheim University from 2006 to 2008 and as Vice-President for Academic Affairs from 2008 to 2013. Dr. David Nunan is former president of TESOL, the world's largest language-teaching organization. Dr. Nunan...

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Jimalee Sowell, M.A.

SowellJimalee.png, MAJimalee Sowell, MA

Certificate Program Coordinator, David Nunan TESOL Institute
Instructor: TESOL

Jimalee Sowell is a Ph.D. candidate in Composition and Applied Linguistics at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and holds an MATESOL degree from SIT Graduate Institute. Ms. Sowell has worked as an English language teacher and teacher trainer since 2000. Ms. Sowell has worked in a variety of contexts including South Korea, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Uganda, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Côte d’Ivoire. Her research interests include writing instruction, peace education, genre analysis, disability...

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