Anaheim University MBA professor Dr. John Wang has edited a monumental six-volume set of IT books containing more than 300 chapters and almost 4,000 pages. The books will be launched in April. Titled Data Warehousing and Mining: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, the set comprises the works of over 575 experts and took two years to complete.
Published by Information Science Reference, the collection offers tools, designs, and outcomes of the utilization of data warehousing and mining technologies, such as algorithms, concept lattices, multidimensional data, and online analytical processing. It is targeted for use as a reference collection for academic and research libraries, educators, students, large organizations using advanced IT and data management processes, and profes¬sionals in a variety of IT fields.
Dr. Wang said he compiled the books because there are more than one billion documents on the web, and the number continues to grow at a pace of more than one million new documents every day. How can a company leverage the information that they currently have in house, and effectively use this to their advantage?
As businesses seek to address and respond to current trends in globalization, the motivation and interest in DMW research and practice is expected to remain high for some time to come. The challenges which face firms in such a competitive environment can in many ways be dealt with and managed using DMW and its related tools, techniques, and methods.
Dr. Wang has taught at Anaheim University since 2006 specializing in Data Analysis and IT Management courses. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Temple University, and an MS in Systems Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology. Dr. Wang has published over 100 refereed papers and five books. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, International Journal of Applied Management Science, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Project Organization and Management, and International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector. Also, Dr. Wang is the Editor of the Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining.
Anaheim University's Chief Communications Officer David Bracey praised Dr. Wang's latest work. He said: "Anaheim University is extremely proud of Dr. Wang's latest accomplishment as well as his ongoing scholarly contributions to the fields of IT and data warehousing and mining. Dr. Wang is highly-respected by the Anaheim University faculty, administration and staff and is very popular among our MBA students. He is a tremendous asset to our institution."
Book details are Data Warehousing and Mining: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, ISBN 1599049511 / 9781599049519, US $1,950.00.