John Wang, Ph.D.

Chair of the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Dr. John Wang is Chair of the Anaheim University Institutional Review Board and a Professor for the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business. He received a scholarship award to complete his Ph.D. in Business Administration at Temple University in 1990, after earning his M.S. in Systems Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology. In addition to his roles at the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business, Dr. John Wang is a professor in the Department of Information and Decision Sciences at Montclair State University. Dr. Wang received his tenure in 1997 and was promoted to full professor in 2000. Professor Wang has published over 100 refereed papers and six books. He has served as session chairman and track chair 17 times on the most prestigious international and national conferences. He has also developed several computer software programs based on his research findings. He is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce and has been a guest editor and referee for Operations Research, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, and many other highly prestigious journals. His long-term research goal is on the synergy of Operations Research, Data Mining and Cybernetics.

Caryn Callahan, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Holding a Harvard University Ph.D. in East Asian Languages in Civilizations with a specialization in Japan and an MBA specializing in Finance-Accounting from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Dr. Caryn Callahan is a former Vice President and International Equity Analyst for Merrill Lynch Japan as well as Financial Analyst for W.R. Grace & Co.. A professor of Anaheim University's Akio Morita School of Business, Dr. Callahan has also taught courses in Corporate Finance, International Business, Organizational Behavior, and Management at Chaminade University in Hawaii. Dr. Callahan was chosen as number one analyst for the Japanese consumer electronics industry by Euromoney magazine and has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Fortune magazine.

Andrew E. Honeycutt, DBA

President, Anaheim University

Dr. Andrew E. Honeycutt, President of Anaheim University, is the recipient of a Harvard University Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree in Marketing and a Boston University Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Organizational Behavior. Dr. Honeycutt has served as Dean of the School of Business and Management and Director of the Economic Research and Development Center at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, Dean of the College of Business and Technology of Argosy University Atlanta, Distinguished Fellow in Business Management at Shorter University, Vice Chairman of Edgenics, Inc. and Senior Partner of the Center for Collaborative Learning and Coaching. As a business professor and school of business administrator, he has been instrumental in the development of cooperative relationships with major companies - Colgate Palmolive, Dupont, Gulfstream Corporation, Savannah Foods, Simmons First National Bank, SC Johnson Wax, and others. He leveraged his experience with major corporations to assist students in achieving success by developing a success resource entitled CEO Success Letters: A Resource for Career and Life. The book was an outcome of a "Fortune 500 CEOs Success Advice Project" designed to provide business career success advice to students. His m business expertise is evidenced by his service on business and governmental advisory boards and boards of directors. He has also served on the advisory boards of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation (Small Business Strategic Planning), the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (Entrepreneurship Education) and the National Board of Directors of SCORE.

Vince Carter


Dr. E. Vince Carter is a Professor at the Anaheim University Akio Morita School of Business and Kisho Kurokawa Green Institute. Vince’s teaching approach develops learning blueprints to align structured Green Marketing skills with creative knowledge discovery. This dialectical dynamic embraces the spirit of Kisho Kurokawa’s design philosophy of symbiosis for The Age of Life. Dr. Carter is a nationally recognized marketing educator, as well as an experienced researcher, consultant, and community volunteer. After graduating with Dean’s List Honors from the Columbia Business School MBA program in International Business, Vince received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the George Washington University School of Business, with Marketing as a primary field and Cybernetics & Systems Theory as a supporting field. With more than 40 years of combined professional and academic marketing expertise, Dr. Carter is a versatile and visionary professor whose intellectual approach furthers a quadrangular focus on marketing strategy, digital technology, ethnic culture, and ecological sustainability. His research in marketing strategy, consumer ethnicity/culture, sustainability marketing, and digital/social-media marketing has appeared in several peer-reviewed academic journals and conference proceedings. He was a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Marketing Management Journal (MMJ) and a past marketing strategy and social marketing reviewer for the Marketing Intelligence & Planning journal. In addition, Dr. Carter is a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA), Marketing Educators’ Association (MEA), and Marketing Management Association (MMA). As part of his ongoing research efforts, Vince engages the Southern California Consumer Culture Community (SC4), Multicultural Marketing Resources (MMR), Network for Business Sustainability (NBSnet), GreenBiz, and The PhD Project.

Alison Marek 


Carrie Hamilton Entertainment Institute Co-Director / Professor

ALISON MAREK (MFA, New York University) is an award-winning writer and director who's combined words and images professionally since she was in her late teens. Her short films have played in festivals around the world and aired on cable TV. Her writing and directing have won grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Showtime Networks, Inc., been nominated for a Los Angeles Emmy Award, and received a Gold Aurora, Bronze Telly, and other awards and nominations. She's produced shorts, features, and TV. She also built and ran the video department at an online magazine, where she shot and edited thousands of videos. Her graphic novels "Desert Streams" and "Sparrow" were published by Piranha Press, an offshoot of DC Comics.